Amita Kuttner Profile picture
Retired Politician 😜
Feb 18, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Alors que le débat sur la Loi sur les mesures d'urgence se poursuit, je surveille la situation de près et je suis en communication régulière avec les membres du caucus du @LesVertsCanada 1/ #polcan La chef parlementaire du parti, @ElizabethMay a assisté à des séances d'information au cours desquelles le gouvernement a présenté des renseignements à l'appui de sa décision d'invoquer la Loi. 2/
Feb 18, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
As the debate on the Emergencies Act continues, I am monitoring the situation closely and am in regular communication with members of the @CanadianGreens caucus. 1/ #cdnpoli The party’s parliamentary leader, @ElizabethMay has been present at briefings where the government has presented information to support its decision to invoke the Act. 2/
Sep 21, 2020 20 tweets 6 min read
So last night in a debate, I mentioned that during the 2019 election, I experienced misogynistic and abusive behaviour from my opponent, @SvendJRobinson. I then received this DM: 1/ Image (Sorry Svend, whomever relayed my statements did so incorrectly, you are right, you did not make misogynistic comments to me. My experience was misogyny and abuse though, and I do not lie, so as you asked, I’ll present my evidence.) 2/