An Wallace Profile picture
NH Novelist with #ADHD. Wrote a Phantom of the Opera novel. #Amwriting fantasy/romance series. Obsession-prone. #WritingCommunity #Neurodiversesquad
Aug 13, 2019 24 tweets 5 min read
Been thinking about #ADHD ADHD a lot lately, cuz I have it, and thinking about (a lot of) things (at once) is just what I do. (thread)

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is really a bad name for it. We have no deficits of attention. We have a surplus of it. 1/ much that we have to use up the extra, "floating attention" (yes, that's what it's called) with some other kind of stimulation so we can focus on what we have to focus on. That's why some kids concentrate on homework better in front of the telly or listening to music. 2/