Andrew Ewing Profile picture
Research on nano/neuro chemistry, echem, chemical imaging @goteborgsu. Member Swedish Academy of Science. Opinions are entirely my own. Take them or leave them!
NotOralHistory Profile picture MHO Profile picture Jörg 🌻 Profile picture Timothy McDonnell Profile picture haiech jacques Profile picture 10 subscribed
Aug 21 21 tweets 4 min read
Long Covid Delphi study preprint just out. 179 panelists. Statements were combined into specific areas: definition, diagnosis, treatment, research, and society. Aims to give recommendations to physcians and researchers.… Note: needs some correction (I asked) as left off a full name and to add the SI w names of panel members.
Mar 21, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
1/4 Now that I have had time to read through this, it is a solid study of attenuated immune response (CD8+ T cells) after infection focussing on mRNA vaccine-induced immunity & adding to the now large body of evidence that as authors state, (see tweet 2)… 2/4 "This suggests that SARS-CoV-2 virus infection may cause long-term damage to the patients’ immune system well after viral clearance."
Mar 3, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Has been some discussion on two plots about hazard ratios from reinfections.
This one is from tabulated data in the Aly paper put into a plot. It is NOT 'made up' any more than any real plot of scientific data. This one was a hypothetical plot not based on specific scientific data. It is NOT real.
Jan 24, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
The concerted attack on the solid science of immune dysregulation seems to indicate the only meeting was not in Davos. Was there a minimisers convention? Strawmaning 'child immunity' and then discussing general immune dysregulation as in the Munro article is nonsense. We have few studies in children, so we really do not know. But, we know in adults and should take care of children while we wait to find out.
Jan 7, 2023 21 tweets 6 min read
1/20 A lot of strawmanning and sealioning in the discussion about covid19 and immune dysfunction. A thread on my threads and some more.

2/20 A few persistent individuals chose 1 or 2 references or say many are for severe disease and try to use strawman arguments to argue immune deficiency is not persisting after covid. The evidence seems against them. I do say in the tweet ‘most are severe, but some are mild.’
Dec 19, 2022 38 tweets 13 min read
Most immunologists seem to agree covid harms the immune system. Some are resistant and did not like my original thread of papers. Here I begin 36 more refs that show/imply immune damage. Many studies are for severe covid, but some mild.
Original thread: 1/ August 13, 2020
Good overview. “The systemic COVID-19 syndrome is usually accompanied by mild lymphopaenia*, neutrophilia*, fever, thrombocytopenia*, hyperferritinaemia*," etc…
Dec 3, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
1/ Started to read this wondering if I should add it to my pinned thread on covid and the brain. After reading it, I will not. The journal Biological Psychiatry should be embarrassed. I cannot find ANY attempt to consider covid infections. Huge oversight.… 2/ Small errors in papers are expected, but errors that can make the data not support the conclusions disable the entire paper. That is the case here wo considering a variable already shown to affect brain volumes, some of the same examined here.
Nov 13, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Short 🧵
1/4 If washing your hands prevents RSV and flu infections, then isn't it more likely all the hand washing led to 'immunity debt' than lockdowns and masks, which were not implemented well?
Yet, "experts" telling us to wash kids hands now. 2/4 But, immunity to RSV does not last. So, this is all incorrect about immunity debt and RSV.…
Nov 7, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
1/4 Population immunity does exist for some diseases, but it does not last 1-2 years for RSV. So it does NOT seem the current early wave of RSV is from *immunity debt*
2 references-there are more
Rapid waning immunity for RSV
Infants w RSV are immune compromised & worse at 2-3 2/
Nov 3, 2022 32 tweets 10 min read
Immunity debt vs post covid immune deficiency (PCID).
Not an immunology expert, but here are 25 papers/articles that collectively argue for PCID.
Immunity debt is a made up term that reflects poor science.
🧵 1/ *May 1 2020, Title: Reduction and Functional Exhaustion of T Cells in Patients With Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
” T cell counts are reduced significantly in COVID-19 patients, and the surviving T cells appear functionally exhausted.”
Oct 29, 2022 57 tweets 18 min read
1/55 Covid and the brain. An update of my January 29 2022 thread (linked).
A lot of new science, some therapy suggestions.
Peer reviewed, preprints, news commentaries, videos. 55 tweets.
. 2/ first some old references I missed in the earlier thread, then new material.
Oct 29, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Next monthly Zoom seminar in the Bioanalytical Series
November 9 at 14 (2 pm) CET

Prof. Jonas Bergquist Uppsala University, Sweden

"Probing the insanely complex human brain with selective in-situ sampling and state-of-the art brain-imaging technologies in combination" Jonas Bergquist, Prof Analytical Chemistry & Neurochemistry at Uppsala U; Adj Prof Pathology at University of Utah, USA; Dist Prof Precision Medicine, Binzhou Medical University, China.
Aug 22, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
My daughter is 10. Masked every day for 2 yrs, lunches home. Think the only kid in grade not infected by covid at least once (teachers too). Friday, relative visited her at mom's n didn't disclose had been exposed. Today she was +ve at lunch n this evening 39 C fever. She knows how hard she worked, how great she was. She was my hero! Beyond the disease, this failure of the world around her, while she succeeded so well, is heartbreaking to watch.
Aug 10, 2022 5 tweets 4 min read
Given the high case rates of covid in NYC and London it is not surprising that polio has made, at this point we hope, a small resurgence. We need to recognise the science showing covid negatively affects the immune system. We need to plan for more.… Some references to consider.…………………

and pop press……
Jul 20, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
1/4 History is fascinating, but you need to read it.
Vaccines are important but they were not what stopped smallpox. Here is one source of many.
And why we need Vaccine PLUS to stop Covid19.
Contrary to what many say, with the will it can be done.… 2/4 Read to the end.
"Contrary to popular belief smallpox was not eradicated by mass vaccination. Though tried initially it proved difficult to implement in many countries and was abandoned in favour of surveillance-containment."
Mar 2, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
A major part of long covid is the effects of the infection on the brain. #Longcovid
Article: "COVID survivors 80% more likely to experience brain fog"… 2/7
Discussion is pulled from this scientific contribution, "Risks of mental health outcomes in people with covid-19: cohort study" published February 16, 2022…
Jan 29, 2022 41 tweets 9 min read
1/36 Update of the covid and the brain talk I recently gave to Drs at Select Medical
Better quality figures
More on references to look up: Lancet, NEJM, Nature, Neurology, etc
Some new material dispersed and at end
Some thoughts on possible treatments (not my expertise) 2/36 Image
Dec 11, 2021 22 tweets 5 min read
1/ Covid and the brain. I am updating my list of papers, which is extensive.
But, in the meantime, here is a talk I gave recently, "What happens to the brain when we are on covid."
With links to references. 2/ Image
Sep 5, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
1/8 Good article on climate change....
"We're screwed."
But read the section on optimists and relate to all those around the world feeding us 'hopium' instead of solid science on both climate and covid. Quotes below.… 2/8 Optimism is selfish as hell.
Here’s the thing about “optimism.”
It’s selfish.
It’s inherently self-centered to ignore dire warnings from scientists, to dismiss discourse about serious problems as “doomsaying,” and convince everyone that everything will be fine as long as ...
Aug 4, 2021 30 tweets 9 min read
1/28 More on long covid.
About a week since I posted a bunch of articles on covid and the brain.

Today a poorly designed study was released minimising long covid in children.
It is critiqued here:
2/28 No one study tells it all. That is how science works. It is a collected work
I post now scientific & news articles on long covid in children w short summaries
Starts w Scientific Articles on Long Covid in Children and Young Adults & end with 2 on severity
Hard deny science!
Aug 1, 2021 36 tweets 12 min read




Thread: evidence & consequences of aerosol (covid is airborne) transmission 2/29 To start, TIME article summarising what we knew up to August 2020. Yes, we have known for a long time!
COVID-19 Is Transmitted Through Aerosols. We Have Enough Evidence, Now It Is Time to Act…