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No Kill Now! • Read:, Sign:, Join:, and help us Pass the Shelter Animal Rescue Act (#SARA)!
Apr 30, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
@naomiperson1 @notthesameone2 @JeffreyDinowitz We called Assemblyman Dinowitz last yr & asked his staff to cosponsor the Shelter Animal Rescue Act (#SARA). His assistant loved the bill when we pitched it to him, explaining he would discuss the bill w/ the Assemblyman & added, “I have a good feeling about this one.”
(cont.) @naomiperson1 @notthesameone2 @JeffreyDinowitz That was on a Friday, and the following Tuesday, we got an email from that assistant who had a “good feeling” about the bill, who informed us that the Assemblyman wasn’t ready to support the bill but might do so in the future. In other words, they knew it was right, but (cont.)
Mar 10, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
1. When @NYCACC killed MASON instead of finding him a home, it proved 2 things: 1) that evil bureaucrats at the city pound are killing adoptable dogs for convenience, & 2) they’re selecting victims at random. There is no method to their madness, they’re just mad, & it has 2 stop! 2. The 1st of a series of No Kill bills that would make it stop, the Shelter Animal Rescue Act (#SARA) would not only empower rescuers to save threatened animals on demand but it would vastly increase the number of available rescuers. It would save thousands of lives every year. Image
Mar 5, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
1. A caption in his video below says, “Brooklyn’s owner was struggling with cancer and brought him to us to find a good home.” But @NYCACC didn’t even try to find a home for the easy-to-adopt, happy young dog who loved kids & other dogs, and they cruelly killed BROOKLYN instead! 2. The Shelter Animal Rescue Act (#SARA), the bill that would’ve legally required @NYCACC to place BROOKLYN w/ a qualified 501(c)(3) rescue group instead of killing him, is under attack by the corrupt ‘animal welfare’ racket that opposes shelter accountability & No Kill reform…. Image
Feb 25, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
1. Remembering CUPID, the bright, gentle young dog who tolerated the Pigeons in the background & interacted so beautifully with the volunteer in the video below. The fact that she was ever placed on their vile Kill List is a testament to the dysfunction & dishonesty of @NYCACC…. 2. And the fact that they actually chose to kill CUPID is confirmation that @NYCACC is evil. Their constant killing, the cruelest form of animal abuse, will never end until we hold them accountable by passing laws to reform New York State’s high-kill pounds…. Image
Feb 20, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
1. @NYCACC killed lovable ROCKET MAN. They couldn’t admit they didn’t care about him and that it was easier to kill him than place him in a loving home, so they cited “behavior concerns” that are so ridiculous, they’re being posted below so everyone can see what liars they are…
2. It should come as no surprise that uncaring bureaucrats who exterminate healthy adoptable dogs & cats for convenience & a govt paycheck would regularly tell lies to rationalize the cruelty of killing their defenseless victims, but that is exactly what is happening at @NYCACC! Image
Feb 18, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
1. TROOPER, an affectionate highly adoptable young dog was recently killed by @NYCACC, only b/c it was easier for uncaring bureaucrats than finding him a loving home. The Shelter Animal Rescue Act (SARA) would’ve required them to place TROOPER w/rescuers instead of killing him… 2. Send an email with TROOPER’s pix to the Agriculture Committee Chairs in the NY Assembly & Senate, & tell them that adoptable animals are being cruelly killed, & remind them that they have the power to stop it by adding #SARA to the committee agenda & allowing it 2 be voted on!
Feb 6, 2024 6 tweets 5 min read
1. No words are strong enough to condemn @NYCACC for the moral crime of killing these four lovable dogs in just one day last week. So we are going to let the pictures and videos of the victims speak for themselves, about whom we lost and why we need to do something about them... Image 2. In a single day last Wednesday, amid rows of empty cages, @NYCACC killed BUTTERNUT, MERCEDES, puppy ZEUS WAYNE & ELECTRIC in a massacre that left advocates devastated. All were healthy adoptable dogs w/no voice & no legal rights but they had a natural right to live.


Dec 18, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
1. Days ago, @NYCACC killed PLUCKY, a lovable 6 m/o puppy in perfect health. Despite the fact that there were empty cages in the pound, they chose to murder the puppy with an injection of poison, proving once again that they kill animals not b/c they have to but b/c they WANT to! 2. No one is ever held responsible for the unspeakable cruelty at @NYCACC. There is no oversight. There is no accountability. In New York State, a pound can kill an animal for any reason - or no reason - at virtually any time they feel like killing them. This has to change. Image
Dec 2, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
@NMBewitched 1. I understand you’re frustrated but quit making excuses for mass murder & hold the killers accountable. @NYCACC chooses to kill rather than place animals because it’s an easier paycheck for the uncaring bureaucrats employed there, not because there are too many dumpers in NYC… @NMBewitched @NYCACC 2. For every dumper there is an adopter looking to add a new cat or dog to the family, especially during the Holidays. Be creative, promote the beautiful faces of the animals who so many people love & want. Bring them to shopping malls where people can see and interact with them.
Nov 4, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
1. It was a Bloody Sunday at the New York City pound last weekend. @NYCACC killed four adoptable dogs in a single day — a gentle young dog named ANGUZ and three friendly 1-yr-old puppies named CALI, KALADIN & KING DEDEDE were massacred. There’s something we need to do about it… Image 2. The Shelter Animal Rescue Act (#SARA), common sense animal protection legislation introduced in New York State, would require @NYCACC and other kill pounds across the state to place healthy and treatable animals with qualified 501(c)(3) rescuers instead of killing them.


Oct 20, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
1. #SARA would’ve made it ILLEGAL for @NYCACC to kill BOWSER 4 playing w/his leash, jumping up in excitement (like a normal dog is expected 2 do), not liking 2 be caged, or 4 catching KC at a filthy pound! A dog was just killed 4 no reason & there’s something we can do about it… Image 2. Send an email to Assemblywoman @DonnaLupardo & Senator @MichelleHinchey, the powerful Committee Chairs who have been blocking consideration of the bill that would’ve saved BOWSER. Tell them adoptable dogs are being killed & remind them that only they have the power to stop it! Image
Oct 1, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
1. @NYCACC killed D2, a lovable senior cat w/yrs of life to live, b/c they claimed she “developed an upper respiratory infection.” Liars. D2 wasn’t killed 4 catching a treatable cold their negligence caused, but rather b/c it was expedient 4 callous drones who do not value life! Image 2. Animal protection legislation introduced in NY State was written to save cats like D2. The Shelter Animal Rescue Act (#SARA) would not only increase the number of available rescuers & the time they’d have to save cats but it will also give them the legal right to rescue them… Image
Sep 30, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
1. Brought in as a stray, assigned a number & named BUGGY, @NYCACC ran him thru an assembly line where he was examined, vaxxed, drugged, microchipped & murdered! In the week & a half BUGGY lasted, his careless killers released just a single picture to promote him. There’s more… Image 2. While labeling him as shy, scared, anxious, & noting that he didn’t like the pound, @NYCACC sought to justify the killing of what volunteers described as a sweet beautiful dog who deserved 2 be placed in a loving home. The truth is BUGGY had a right 2 live & everyone knows it! Image
Sep 16, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
1. @NYCACC returned a lovable yr-old puppy named TIGER to the person who dumped him, and surprise, surprise, TIGER was found roaming the streets again the next day! Instead of holding the one who repeatedly abandoned him accountable, the cruel cowards murdered the innocent puppy! Image 2. Meanwhile, the very bill that would’ve made it illegal to kill TIGER, the Shelter Animal Rescue Act (#SARA) gathers dust in the Agriculture Committees where for the past 2 yrs it has been blocked from a vote by the Chairs of those committees, @DonnaLupardo & @MichelleHinchey.
Sep 7, 2023 10 tweets 5 min read
1. Days ago, the @NYCACC pound executed a 10-y/o senior they named MAX KEEBLE for the capital crime of growling at those who would later drag him to his death in the kill room, proving the gentle giant who once lived happily with a 7-y/o girl was damn right to be afraid of them… Image 2. Animal protection legislation intro’d in NY was written to save dogs like MAX KEEBLE. The Shelter Animal Rescue Act (#SARA) would not only increase the number of available rescuers & the time they would have to save animals but it will also give them the legal right to do so… Image
Aug 31, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
@SusanChanaLask @peta @NYCACC 2. @NYCACC would be happy to see Lask quoting @PETA, b/c unbeknownst to the misguided attorney, PETA fully supports the slaughter not only at the NYC pound but at kill pounds across the USA. PETA fought reformers & praised the pound in FL that did this:…
Image @SusanChanaLask @peta @NYCACC 3. Lask may also be unaware of the fact that @PETA kills animals by the tens of thousands at its very own extermination center in Norfolk, VA, including healthy pupies & kittens, & even owned pets! And if Lask is aware of all this, does she support it?…

Aug 20, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
1. COLONEL, a newly adopted lovable young dog froze in fear & pancaked on the sidewalk during what should’ve been his freedom walk home. Instead of wrapping the leash around his muzzle & carrying him home, his inept adopters heartlessly dragged the frightened dog back to @NYCACC. Image 2. While advocates and the volunteers who knew and loved COLONEL were looking for resourceful ways to rescue him, kill pound managers at the Manhattan facility ordered employees to drag the now even more terrified dog to his horrific death in the kill room. Image
Apr 25, 2023 9 tweets 14 min read
@TomJumboGrumbo 1. ROMAN, ACE BOOGIE, CRABBY PATTY, KING PEPPY & KING GHIDORAH, the five dogs who were massacred over the weekend by the @NYCACC kill pound at taxpayer expense in the richest city in the world were all perfectly healthy adoptable dogs! Image @TomJumboGrumbo @NYCACC 2. There are two reasons why the Shelter Animal Rescue Act (#SARA) - which would have saved their lives - has yet to pass:

1) Assemblywoman @DonnaLupardo
2) @SenatorHinchey

They’re the powerful Chairs of the Agriculture Committee in the New York State Assembly & Senate. Image
Mar 13, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
Once again, New York City’s high-kill pound ignored the 3-day stray hold & illegally killed a beloved family dog LEONA, leaving her family grieving. The Shelter Animal Rescue Act (#SARA) would close the loophole that lets @NYCACC get away with murdering pets & hurting people!


Sep 13, 2021 4 tweets 4 min read
Contrary to this fake news story in the @NYPost:, New Yorkers are NOT returning their pets. Had editors at the tabloid bothered to check, they would’ve known that @NYCACC was lying, b/c the pound’s own stats show intakes fell 40% from pre-pandemic levels! No, New Yorkers did not “return pandemic pets” in June, as was falsely reported by the @NYPost. Stats show that @NYCACC took in 895 fewer cats & dogs in June than it did in the same period prior 2 the onset of the pandemic, a 40% decline in intakes that proves the story is FAKE!
Sep 11, 2021 5 tweets 5 min read
In July, @NYCACC admits 252 companion animals were either killed or died in its custody, including 104 dogs & 142 cats, 56 of whom were kittens under 5 months old. 17 languished & died in cages while 102 dogs & 127 cats (including 45 kittens) were methodically exterminated!
#CAPA Summer Slaughter at the City Pound: In July alone, @NYCACC caused the deaths of 252 companion animals, including 56 kittens! An average of 8 dogs & cats lost their lives on every single day of the month……