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Apr 25th 2023
@TomJumboGrumbo 1. ROMAN, ACE BOOGIE, CRABBY PATTY, KING PEPPY & KING GHIDORAH, the five dogs who were massacred over the weekend by the @NYCACC kill pound at taxpayer expense in the richest city in the world were all perfectly healthy adoptable dogs! Image
@TomJumboGrumbo @NYCACC 2. There are two reasons why the Shelter Animal Rescue Act (#SARA) - which would have saved their lives - has yet to pass:

1) Assemblywoman @DonnaLupardo
2) @SenatorHinchey

They’re the powerful Chairs of the Agriculture Committee in the New York State Assembly & Senate. Image
@TomJumboGrumbo @NYCACC @DonnaLupardo @SenatorHinchey 3. Last year, the kill pound lobby that opposes shelter accountability and is hostile to ‘inconvenient’ No Kill reforms gave both Chairs awards (and possibly money) and in return, both promised to block SARA from a vote in the committees they run: ImageImageImageImage
Read 9 tweets
Apr 19th 2023
Silahli isgal yerine
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T.C.'nin kurulus aşamasinda
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KOC Ailesi ile baslatildi


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KOC'lari degil de
SABANCI'lari hedef aldi acaba..#Jewish
Finans merkezi #ABD'dir

#Manhattan önemli bir merkezdir

Chase Bank
Yahudi sermayesidir

#ElKaide gibi
Radikal TERÖR ÖRGÜTLERİni finanse eden sermayedir

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Elleri-ayaklari baglanir
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Read 16 tweets
Jan 12th 2023
" جنگ جاری رہے گی "
ازقلم: ( ربیل سارا )
پاکستان کی تاریخ میں زیرک سیاستدانوں کی فہرست میں سرفہرست الطاف حسین وہ نام ہےکہ جسکی شان حسینی بیان کرنےکی میری اوقات نہیں ہےمیرےقلم میں طاقت نہیں ہےاورمیری زبان میں سکت نہیں ہے
اورمیں شرطیہ کہہ سکتی ہوں کہ
کہ اس کرہ ارض میں بسنے والا کوئی انسان نہیں ہےجو قائد تحریک جناب الطاف حسین بھائی کی مکمل صفات بیان کر سکےکیونکہ الطاف حسین وہ چراغ ہیں جنکی لو سے انکی بے نام و نشان قوم کو رہبری و رہنمائی ملی،
آگاہی ملی شعور ملا
گویا شناخت ملی
قوم کو پہچان ملی
بےنام و نشان قوم مہاجر کو زندگی گزارنے کا سامان ملا، نام نہاد غداروں مہاجر ٹولوں ٹولیوں منکرین احسان فراموشوں مفادپرستوں موقع پرستوں دغابازوں کو پہچان ملی
شہر کراچی کو دوام ملا
قوم کو رہبر و رہنماء ملا دنیا بھر میں شہر کراچی کواعلی و ارفع مقام ملا۔
Read 35 tweets
Aug 4th 2022
#OpenFirePolicy #IsraeliCrimes
#Israele riprende gli agguatti contro i lavoratori che cercano di attraversare i varchi della barriera di separazione; i soldati sparano e uccidono Nabil Ghanem (53). ⬇1/15

#ApartheidIsrael #IsraeliOccupation #4agosto…
"Nabil Ghanem (53) viveva a #Sara, villaggio a ovest di #Nablus.
Domenica 19 giugno, intorno alle 10, ha cercato di attraversare uno dei varchi della barriera di separazione vicino al checkpoint #QalqiliyahDCO (#Eyal) per entrare in #Israele, dove lavorava senza permesso, ⬇2
per ottenere il denaro che il datore di lavoro gli doveva.
Non appena ha attraversato il recinto di filo spinato sul lato orientale della barriera, i soldati israeliani che erano in agguato hanno sparato diversi colpi verso di lui e altri lavoratori palestinesi. ⬇3
Read 15 tweets
Sep 13th 2021
Longtime volunteer quits in disgust after city pound kills the dog she loved… Over the protests of rescues, the volunteer & at least 2 employees, @NYCACC killed BILLY despite the fact that 2 rescues offered to save him!

The Shelter Animal Rescue Act was written to save dogs like BILLY!

Please ask your NY State Lawmakers to co-sponsor #SARA!

SARA, A.7155/S.7245:
Find your Legislators:
The former volunteer who quit in protest, Vanessa Ventre, is the woman holding BILLY in his video, below, which shows he was a friendly dog: .
Read 3 tweets
Sep 11th 2021
In July, @NYCACC admits 252 companion animals were either killed or died in its custody, including 104 dogs & 142 cats, 56 of whom were kittens under 5 months old. 17 languished & died in cages while 102 dogs & 127 cats (including 45 kittens) were methodically exterminated!
Summer Slaughter at the City Pound: In July alone, @NYCACC caused the deaths of 252 companion animals, including 56 kittens! An average of 8 dogs & cats lost their lives on every single day of the month……
Find your NY State Lawmakers:
Ask them to co-sponsor A.7155 / S.7245, the Shelter Animal Rescue Act (#SARA) that would outlaw silent killing:
Read 5 tweets
Sep 4th 2021
A memo is circulating demanding rescues alter animals that @NYCACC is contracted to provide but can’t due to being “understaffed.” But that didn’t stop them from castrating friendly SIMBA, causing him to suffer before they murdered him… Spay/Neuter-Kill animal abuse AGAIN!
SIMBA, a healthy dog the city pound described as “friendly,” has become the 84th known victim of the @NYCACC/@ASPCA atrocity advocates call ‘Spay/Neuter-Kill.’
Even worse, ACC murdered SIMBA with a rescue willing to save him & 2 homes to go to!

Spay/Neuter Summary
Post Surgery Note: 2:34 PM
Neuter performed by VET: 1697

Start the following pain managements:
1.5 tablet of Rimadyl 100 mg by mouth for x2 days starting the day after surgery. For pain management.
Vet Notes: 1:22 PM
Dog Neuter
Read 5 tweets
Jul 5th 2021
#Sara's பிரைம்ல இன்னிக்கு rls ஆன நியூ மூவி ....என் செல்லம் anna ben 😍😍 காகா தான் படம் நைட் eh கண் முளிச்சு படம் full ah பாத்துட்டேன் 😉❤️ சரி படத்தோட கதைக்கு போவோம் இயக்குனர் ah சினிமால சாதிக்கணும்னு முனைப்போடு இருக்கிற படத்தின் கதாநாயகி sara (anna ben)
அதற்கு நடுவில் வரும் சில பல தடங்கல்கள் இறுதியில் அவள் லட்சியத்தை அவள் அடைந்தாரா இல்லையா என்பதே கதை .... ஒரு சூப்பரான ஃபேமிலி சென்டிமென்ட் மூவி காமெடி லவ் எல்லாமே கலந்து ஒரு நல்ல பீல் குட் material ❤️ படத்தில் இது மட்டுமில்லாமல் மற்றுமொரு விஷயத்தையும் நடுவுல சொல்லியிருக்காங்க
அது என்னன்னா ஒரு வாரிசு ஒரு குடும்பத்திற்கு எவ்வளவு முக்கியம் என்பதையும் ஒரு வாரிசுனால் குடும்பத்திற்கு ஏற்படும் சில பல சிக்கல்கள் இரண்டையும் நேர்த்தியாகவும் கலைநயத்தோடு சொல்லியிருக்காங்க கிளைமாக்ஸ் ஒரு ஒன் மினிட் சீன் சரியா யோசிச்சி director வச்சிருக்காரு 😂👌❤️
Read 7 tweets
Jan 27th 2021
Excellent Expose by @FonrougeGab & @nypost Thank you…
When I first read this I was livid.
The blame game but as I reflected on Risa & Eileen's words; I realized it is a cry for help. @nycouncil
They do not know what they are doing or how to properly train, manage and run the ACC.
@BobHoldenNYC @assemblymanjoe
To have 8-10% of your dog population put on Emergency Placement aka Kill List every week is an epic failure of the system. Intakes are down, placement is up per your own reports. Time to reevaluate and make the proper adjustments. #SARA & #CAPA is the future, why not now?
Read 6 tweets
Mar 14th 2019
Excelente repaso teórico-practico de @carlotamoreno83 en su intervención "La perspectiva de género en la intervención social" tocando aspectos esenciales sobre la desigual distribución del poder y sus implicaciones. La igualdad formal produce un 'espejismo de la igualdad' Visionado de
Desde la óptica sindical "Mercado laboral, análisis de género" expuesto por Beatriz Ruiz y Sandra Bravo de OIGE (Oficina Igualdad de Género en el Empleo) de @UGTExtremadura con comentarios de sentencias pioneras #FormaciónAdelante
Presenta @AngelPinadero los resultados del #ProyectoNeo de innovación social. Cómo la corresponsabilidad y modelos de masculinidad (contra)hegemónica junto tareas de cuidados repercuten directamente en la empleabilidad de las mujeres. #FormaciónAdelante
Read 13 tweets

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