Arjun Ramaiya Profile picture
Madly in love with dermatopathology! My opinions are not to challenge or change yours. Im sharing my perspective for consideration, now and when Im gone :-)
May 12, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
40+ Female, “large pigmented patch on back over inner scapula, ?Dx.”

Histology of Notalgia Paresthetica

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NP is thought to be due to sensory neuropathy involving cutaneous branch of the posterior divisions of spinal sensory nerves.
May 11, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Comparing the structure of a normal eyelid and one with a sebaceous “trichofolliculoma” of the eye lash.

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Notice although a normal lid has a large sebaceous gland it is actually beautifully elongated and compact to not distort the surface of the eyelid, so that the conjuntiva remains closely opposed to the eyeball. By contrast the eye las has relatively small sebaceous glands.
May 8, 2023 4 tweets 5 min read
FINALLY clinician’s have figured that the PSEUDOSCIENTIFIC term “squamoproliferative lesion” means nothing more than a proliferating squamous lesion 🤣
#dermpath #dermtwitter #pathtwitter #dermatologia #dermatology #dermatologist #histopathology #dermatopathology Image Squamoproliferative lesion was invented by some hotshot pathologist pretending its a diagnostic entity, but it actually means nothing more than an unspecified and unqualified proliferating squamous “lesion”.

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May 5, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
70+ female, ulcerated nodule on chest.
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@Cristina_VargAP @alegru18 @CarlosMonteag20 @atman_ci @JacobSmalberger @PIorfino @DrGeeONE @et565 @TristanRutland7 @HENRYY_MD @kis_lorand @melanopath @AlomariDermpath @gonzadetoro @kriyer68
May 2, 2023 17 tweets 4 min read
Clinical was “70+ Female 4 benign scalp lesions” 😣

Brooke Spiegler subtype of CYLD cutaneous syndrome.

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CLYD cutaneous syndrome was first proposed by Rajan et al in 2009 (Arch Dermatol. 2009 Nov; 145(11): 1277–1284.). This brought together three syndromes caused by a mutation in the CYLD gene on the long arm of Chromosome 16.
Apr 28, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
A great example of the importance and efficacy of a vertical plane of dissection to the deep margin.

Note the impact the angle of the plane of cleavage on tumour clearance between the two sides.

#dermpath #dermatologia #dermatology #surgpath #surgery #dermatopathology @javiperezhisto @pembeoltulu So whats is my approach. Well I estimate the average curvature of flat epidermis (see the blue lines) ignoring any focal large deviations. This to the best of my estimation is the “average” level of flat skin ignoring physiological and tumour related undulations
Apr 19, 2023 5 tweets 6 min read
15yr Female, long standing slow growing pigmented lesion on buttock. DBN?
What of diffuse strong nuclear cyclin D1?
@DiegoMoralesN @melanopath @mccalmo @et565 @JacobSmalberger @alegru18 @CarlosMonteag20 @atman_ci @PIorfino @HENRYY_MD @kis_lorand @AlomariDermpath ImageImageImageImage Immunos ImageImageImageImage
Dec 14, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read
Classic and common dual pathology. 70 Male curetted “Seborrhoeic keratosis” …..which its not 🤣🤣🤣
#dermpath #dermtwitter #pathtwitter #dermatology #dermatologist #pathologist #dermatopathologia #dermatopathology Image Morphology: basal cell carcinoma with an unusually diffuse and dense infiltrate of monotonous small inactive lymphocytes. ImageImageImageImage