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May 19th 2023

Your #dermatologist and medical establishment is giving you #melanoma.

Here's how.....

In 1975 there was a major US study that concluded exposure to UV light causes melanoma. But now there here an update to… Image
that study that found across all ages and skin types, increasing full spectrum UV light exposure does not significantly increase melanoma risk BUT there is a significant increase in melanoma with a DECREASED dose of UVB.

This probably means that a lower vitamin d level and/or...
an increased dose of UVA due to wearing sunscreens, pushed nonstop by derms, that block UVB combined with working/living indoors under windows that block out the UVB (and some red/infrared) but still let in a ton of UVA and blue could lead to increased melanoma risk.

As you see
Read 13 tweets
May 8th 2023
FINALLY clinician’s have figured that the PSEUDOSCIENTIFIC term “squamoproliferative lesion” means nothing more than a proliferating squamous lesion 🤣
#dermpath #dermtwitter #pathtwitter #dermatologia #dermatology #dermatologist #histopathology #dermatopathology Image
Squamoproliferative lesion was invented by some hotshot pathologist pretending its a diagnostic entity, but it actually means nothing more than an unspecified and unqualified proliferating squamous “lesion”.

#dermpath #dermtwitter #pathtwitter #dermatology #dermatopathology
Viral warts, seborrhoeic keratosis, actinic keratosis, keratoacanthomas, in situ and invasive squamous carcinomas are ALL either benign, atypical or malignant “squamoproliferative lesions”
#dermpath #dermtwitter #pathtwitter #dermatologia #dermatology #histopathology
Read 4 tweets
Apr 20th 2023
50+ Female, painful “end” nodule middle finger after trauma ?Neuroma

A rare Pacinian Corpuscle Neuroma 🤩

#dermpath #dermtwitter #pathtwitter #pathresident #dermatologia #dermatology #dermatologist #pathologist #histopathology #surgpath #dermatopathologia #dermatopathology ImageImageImageImage
A short commentary of some interesting facts. Image
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Dec 14th 2022
Classic and common dual pathology. 70 Male curetted “Seborrhoeic keratosis” …..which its not 🤣🤣🤣
#dermpath #dermtwitter #pathtwitter #dermatology #dermatologist #pathologist #dermatopathologia #dermatopathology Image
Morphology: basal cell carcinoma with an unusually diffuse and dense infiltrate of monotonous small inactive lymphocytes. ImageImageImageImage
Immunohistochemistry: ImageImageImageImage
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Aug 12th 2021
Scared to move my fingers between my hair when I do a bunch of hair come out! My OPD is full of such panic struck patients some even carrying bunch of hair👇. #postcovid #hairfall 1/4 ImageImage
Immense shedding of hair is expected 2 to 3 months after #COVID19 recovery. This is acute #TelogenEffluvium and is self limiting.
Hair on your head are in different phase of growth. This prevents excessive shedding at any one time. 2/4
85% - 90% of hair is in active growing - anagen phase, while the other 10% - 15% is transitioning into or is in the telogen phase.
Telogen effluvium is a diffuse, non-scarring shedding of hairs, resulting from the early entry of the hair into the telogen phase 3/4 Source : Google image search
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Aug 22nd 2020
As promised, here's the second installment of my #Derm101 series on the #dermatology physical exam and #morphology. A #tweetorial on:


#MedEd #FOAMEd #dermtwitter #medtwitter #medstudenttwitter pc:@dermnetnz
First off, if you haven't gone through the primary lesion #tweetorial yet, it's a good idea to start there. Here's the link:

As review, these are the different primary lesions👇
Secondary lesions are the changes that affect the primary lesion.

Say what? If a papule is scaly, the SCALE is the secondary lesion. If a plaque is crusty, the CRUST is the secondary lesion.

A question: What was the secondary lesion seen in the pic from the 1st tweet?
Read 16 tweets
Aug 1st 2020

A #tweetorial for #medtwitter, #dermtwitter, & #medstudenttwitter!

I'm no pharmacologist, so this is written from a #dermatologist's POV!

Let's start with a question that still haunts med students today:
What is the mechanism of action of methotrexate (MTX)?
MTX inhibits dihydrofolate reductase in the folate pathway, which is needed for DNA/RNA ➡️ inability for cells to rapidly divide!

Given similarities in mechanism with other drugs in this pathway, caution should be used when adding MTX on top of them, especially TMP-SMX!
Since MTX is an antifolate, remember that Folinic Acid (Leucovorin) is used as a "rescue" when side effects go crazy. But at the doses we use in #dermatology, I've never needed it. Plus, we give folate with MTX to prevent these effects!

Which of 👇 doses is typical in derm?
Read 18 tweets
Jul 25th 2020

A #dermtwitter, #medtwitter, and #medstudenttwitter #tweetorial! PC: @dermnetnz. Let's kick off this #MedEd #FOAMEd #medthread with a question.

With LP, which one of the following body sites is most commonly involved?

The correct answer is wrists! LP lesions are most commonly seen on flexor wrists, trunk, medial thighs, and shins. It very rarely involves the face.

The mnemonic for the clinical appearance of LP is to remember the "Ps."
Pruritic (!!!)

You can also make out white and gray lacy streaks and puncta. This is called "Wickham Striae" which helps confirm the diagnosis (1).

Notably, LP also can go to the oropharynx, which can cause erosive lesions that are painful. Wickham Striae are easier to see in the mouth (2).
Read 14 tweets
Apr 20th 2020
Okay #medtwitter and #dermtwitter, you knew it was only a matter of time, didn’t you?! Let’s do this #COVID19 themed #medthread:


#MedEd #FOAMEd #dermatology #dermatologia @AADskin @AADMember @Meddermsoc @dermhospitalist
First, a word of caution – this is one person’s thoughts on a new skin finding reported in a new disease that the medical community is still learning about! As such, nothing in the #tweetorial should be regarded as definite. Just wanted to share a thought process!
So, who cares? #COVID19 is devastating, at times even for the young & healthy! But it’s all respiratory, right?

Well, as we're learning, there's so much more to #SARScov2, and as a #dermatologist, this is the perfect example of how the exam helps frame possible mechanisms.
Read 12 tweets
Mar 19th 2020
HOW TO TREAT ACTINIC KERATOSES AT HOME, a #tweetorial/#medthread

AKA:how to keep practicing #socialdistancing in the era of #COVID19 by staying at home and taking care of those precancers without having to come to clinic!

#dermtwitter #medtwitter #MedEd #FOAMed pc:@dermnetnz
1st, a caveat. Nothing subs for an in person exam, so this is not free license to tx things without a derm eval.

The reason for this #thread is that as the doctor seeing all urgent #dermatology pts today, I've gotten MANY calls from pts hoping to come get their AKs treated.
Before we get to txs, let's start with the basics. What is an AK?

Clinically they are erythematous papules & plaques with gritty (sandpaper-like) scale. Some can be quite big. Then we call them "hypertrophic AKs."

These are precursor lesions to squamous cell carcinomas.
Read 13 tweets
Mar 8th 2020
BULLOUS PEMPHIGOID, a #dermatology #tweetorial!

#MedEd #FOAMEd #medtwitter #dermtwitter #medthread pc:@dermnetnz

A patient with active bullous #pemphigoid comes to see you. What do you expect on your exam?
#bullouspemphigoid (BP) is an autoimmune blistering disorder where the pt's immune system makes auto-antibodies targeting BPAg 1&2 (BP230/BP180). Since these Ags are in the hemidesmosome, the split is lower in the skin, making for tense blisters.

Clinically, tense blisters (as seen in BP) usually go with a negative nikolsky, whereas flaccid blisters (seen in pemphigus) would have a positive nikolsky.

An easy mnemonic is:
pemphiguS = Superficial
pemphigoiD = Deep
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Feb 17th 2020
ATOPIC DERMATITIS - a #dermatology #tweetorial/#medthread!

For all the #tweetiatricians, #primarycare, #medtwitter, & #dermtwitter! #MedEd #FOAMEd pc:@dermnetnz

1st, a question:
How do you think of the term atopic dermatitis (AD) in relation to the term eczema?
If you're a purist, "eczema" is a description. When a #dermatologist says something looks eczematous, it doesn't mean it's AD. It means it has a certain appearance.

So the right answer for purists is "AD can cause eczema."

That said, we so often just use eczema to mean AD🤷🏻‍♂️
As annoying as that might be, it's an important distinction. If you see an eczematous rash, you need to consider possible causes:

- Atopy
- Allergy/irritant contact
- Medications
- Venous stasis
- Dry skin

For more on contact dermatitis, check out @patchtestYu!
Read 16 tweets
Oct 27th 2019

A #tweetorial for the #dermtwitter, #medtwitter, #medstudenttwitter, and #hospitalist crowd. 📸:@dermnetnz #medthread

Let's start with a question - What percentage of leg ulcers do you think is caused by venous stasis?
Roughly half (40-50%) of all leg ulcers are the result of venous stasis! Since 1% of the population will get stasis ulcers at some point, it's quite common, both in the inpatient & outpatient settings!

While some say they aren't painful, many of my patients would disagree....
Let's talk exam. These ulcers are predominantly on the lower legs, and often near the medial malleolus. They're usually chronic, so they may have a base covered by yellow fibrinous debris. They tend to be shallow, and given the pathophysiology, quite exudative.
Read 15 tweets
Sep 15th 2019
Bit of a different #tweetorial today, on:


- TIPS for the PRIMARY TEAM calling the consult.

Caveat: Some examples are a little #dermconsult specific, but can be extrapolated to others!

#medthread #dermtwitter #medtwitter #meded #FOAMEd #tipsfornewdocs
As both a #dermatologist & a #hospitalist, I have the pleasure of being on both ends of the #consult game.

So, your team has decided to call a consult, and you are the intern or student who has been tasked with contacting the team. Don't be nervous! Try these tips!👇👇👇
First of all:

1)Have a consult question

Asking a consultant to see a pt w/o a ? is like having a pt see you w/o a chief complaint! The ? helps the consultant frame the note in a way that is most helpful for you & your team. Otherwise, I'm guessing at what you want to know.
Read 11 tweets
Jul 31st 2019
All right #medtwitter, ready to feel itchy? Get your Sarna ready and read on for a #tweetorial/#medthread on....


#dermtwitter #dermatology #MedEd #FOAMEd pc: @dermnetnz #derm #itch #pruritus
What exactly is scabies? Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis is the technical name of this parasitic mite that burrows into the skin (itchy yet?😆). It is notoriously difficult to diagnose, and has humbled many a #dermatologist.

It has a very characteristic look under the scope!
2/ Image
On exam, most know the classic distribution: interdigital spaces (pic1). However, other places to look include the areola, axilla, and umbilicus. In kids, the lesions tend to be all over the place (perhaps because they aren't as good at scratching them off! - pic2).
3/ ImageImage
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Jul 7th 2019
Hello new followers!👋 In honor of your joining me on Twitter, I thought I'd put together a new #dermatology #tweetorial/#medthread. This time, on a topic near and dear to my own clinical practice:


#MedEd #FOAMEd #Dermtwitter #Medtwitter pc: @dermnetnz
Let's start w/ caveats:
1-#MycosisFungoides (MF) isn't the same as Cutaneous T-cell Lymphoma. MF is a subtype of #CTCL; there are many other types of CTCL that aren't MF.
2-I co-direct the Skin Lymphoma Program @MGHCancerCenter, so some of this is institutional preference.
There are roughly 80,000 new cases of #lymphoma a year in the US, and only 3% are primary cutaneous. Within that ~2500 cases, MF makes up almost half (~44%)! The overall classification schema for these diseases was recently updated by the WHO:…
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Jul 3rd 2019
All right #medtwitter, you asked, & I'm going to try to deliver. Here's a #tweetorial/#medthread on...


***I'm not a hair expert, but hopefully this will just provide a framework to think about this problem***
#dermtwitter #MedEd #FOAMEd #dermatology pc:@dermnetnz
Let's say a patient complains of his/her hair falling out. In the spirit of examining first as #dermatologists tend to do, let's start with the exam. This is the easiest way to differentiate between the two types of alopecia: scarring and non-scarring. What do you look for?
While all the above options can help with the ultimate diagnosis, it's the preservation of follicular ostia (or loss of said finding) that helps point you in the right direction. Whether it's scarring or non-scarring can really help narrow your differential.
Read 21 tweets
Jun 23rd 2019
It's #tweetorial time! Read on for a #medthread on:

Cutaneous Small Vessel #vasculitis (CSVV)!

#MedEd #FOAMEd #dermtwitter #dermatology #medtwitter #rheumtwitter pc: @dermnetnz
I've heard different ways to organize the vasculitides over the years, but by the far the most common is by vessel size. As a #dermatologist, I see the small vessel vasculitides most often, so we'll focus on that today. Yes, Takayasu's important, but I'll save that for later!
There is a relatively limited list of possible diagnoses with CSVV. I've included the most common below.

The blue I lump together as they are similar, and biopsy results help you differentiate.
The red are the ANCA-associated.
The green are the unique ones.
Read 20 tweets
May 27th 2019
In honor of my recent trip to Taiwan, where I was eaten alive by mosquitoes, I thought I'd put together a #tweetorial/#medthread on...


#dermtwitter #dermatology #dermatologia #medtwitter #MedEd #FOAMEd pc:@dermnetnz
First of all, did you know that #dermatologists refer to bug bites and stings as an "arthropod assault?" In case you ever wanted to throw that into your next conversation....
While there are some rashes that can be classic for certain types of bites/stings, many are rather nondescript. So when you see a #dermatologist with what looks like bug bites, we are often making an educated guess. Classically, you see pink edematous papules/plaques.
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May 12th 2019
In honor of #skin #cancer awareness month, here's a #tweetorial on #SKINCANCER!

There is SO much we could talk about, so I'm going to keep it basic. #Dermtwitter, please add more!

#MedEd #FOAMed #dermatology #medtwitter @aadmember #dermatologia pc: @dermnetnz & @aadskin
There are many types of skin cancer, but we'll focus on the big 3 in this #thread. We'll discuss basal cell carcinoma (BCC), Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) & melanoma. The first two are types of "non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC)," or more aptly named "keratinocytic carcinomas."
BCCs are the most common cancer diagnosed. Classically described as "pink pearly papules," they often have "arborizing" (tree-like) telangiectasias. But, they don't always have to look classic. The 1st pic is the classic, but the others are also BCCs (superficial & pigmented)!
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May 1st 2019
Get your #dermatology jokes out now, because this is a #tweetorial/#medthread on....


Read on for tips on how to prescribe them, which one to choose, when does it matter, etc.

#MedEd #FOAMed #dermtwitter #medtwitter #dermatologia pc:@dermnetnz
Truly the workhorse of the #dermatologist's medicine chest, topical steroids are great for a multitude of reasons:
- Delivery straight to the organ of interest
- Systemic absorption is usually minimal
- Can be cheap (usually)

What on skin exam best suggests steroids may work?
Erythema is a great indicator that there is inflammation. As such, topical steroids may be a good treatment option. However, there are some reasons NOT to use topical steroids. For example, if the rash is infectious (eg: tinea in photo1, herpes in photo2), steroids = no bueno.
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Apr 7th 2019
#Dermatology #tweetorial time! Let's spend some time on the autoimmune blistering diseases. There are many, so this will be a broad overview of the approach to a the bullous disease patient.
#dermtwitter #FOAMed #medtwitter #medstudenttwitter #MedEd @healourskin pc:@dermnetnz
The first ? we usually ask: "What is the level of the split?" That helps to distinguish between the #pemphigus group of diseases where the desmosome is involved in the epidermis, and the #pemphigoid group where the hemi-desmosome is involved at the basement membrane zone.
This correlates with the exam! Higher up in the epidermis means a thinner walled blister that's more fragile. So these are usually flaccid bullae. Deeper down means tense bullae. Photo 1 is pemphigus - see how droopy the bulla is? Vs photo 2 of pemphigoid, which stands up.
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Mar 27th 2019
OK #hospmed19, I had told myself I wasn't going to make another #tweetorial until next week to give myself a break, but I can't help but be motivated by all the amazing #tweeps at this meeting. Long story short, here's a #medthread on #PSORIASIS!

#MedEd #FOAMed PC:@dermnetnz
More and more, we are recognizing psoriasis to be a systemic disease. Aside from the psoriatic #arthritis we all know and love, there is more convincing evidence that psoriasis is linked with #cardiovascular disease and risk. As such, #multidisciplinary care is important!

There are many different variants of psoriasis. The most classic is plaque psoriasis, described commonly as "salmon colored plaques with micaceous scale."

Q: Ever notice how psoriasis doesn't really get impetiginized/superinfected but eczema does? Why do you think that is?

Read 17 tweets

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