biruku 🍟🥤 Profile picture
Following news & interesting people. 40s, Ethio-American guy, doing my part for awareness abt: #AmharaGenocide #JusticeForAfar #Fano #AbiyMustGo for #Genocide!
Sep 26, 2024 13 tweets 6 min read
🧵#AbiyAhmed: Violence + Incompetence🧵
Shortly after Abiy Ahmed Ali became Prime Minister of Ethiopia in 2018, a secret "Security Committee" was formed referred to as Koree Nageenyaa. Reuters reports that this committee works on behalf of "senior officials" to commit (1/N) Image "extra-judicial killings and illegal dententions." ()
In 2018, Prime Minister @AbiyAhmedAli signed a deal with OLF rebels for them to return to Ethiopia (). Before the end of 2018, the agreement between Abiy's regime & the rebels(2/N)……
Jun 16, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
I was in a space earlier today, when someone made the case that those of us advocating for the sanctioning of the Abiy administration are "treasonous." That by us asking our fellow humans around the world for help of any kind against the endless atrocities & corruption by the OPP government, we are downright traitors! And therefore anyone who asks for help against a genocidal dictatoriship, no matter how far the regime goes, is evil.

Because, in the mind of the person who levied those accusations,
May 31, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
Internationalism Thread

Politics typically boils down to a choice between two tough options - perhaps two awful options. We all sort of know this, but at some point this concept becomes a hot reality. In 2021, I supported #NoMore & viewed sanctions as borderline betrayal to the homeland. I viewed the west as being permanently fixated on installing TPLF, specifically, in order to destabilize the HOA region for one reason or another. I viewed changing the narrative in the west to be virtually impossible.