Brad Profile picture
Bachelor of Biological Science Degree. #LongCovid #TeamAutoantibodies #Bc007. Any tweet is my opinion and not medical advice. Check out my podcast on Spotify
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Jul 13 25 tweets 5 min read
Post Exertional Malaise = Endothelial Dysfunction via SNS Overcompensation which decreases blood flow and oxygen perfusion to tissues which creates a hypoxic environment, reduced aerobic metabolism/less energy, and lactic acid buildup which drives neuroinflammation. Body then doesn’t have enough ATP (energy) to recover so it must “borrow” energy from surrounding tissues which creates an energy deficit anywhere between 12-72 hours later. Body then turns into a flu like state to get the body to lay down and get in energy conservation mode.
Jun 8 17 tweets 3 min read
Brad’s List of things to look for or questions to ask Long Covid and ME/CFS Patients: 1) Bloating 2) Gassy 3)Eating small meals due to GI Dysfunction 4) Abnormal Bowel habits especially after stress or large meals 5) Inability to stand still for very long without symptoms 6) Double Jointed or Hypermobiity on any level. Look for family history of EDS or Autoimmune Diseases 7) Big hands/Small wrists/Long Limbs 8) Looking abnormally young for their age (always getting compliments about how young they look)
Apr 20 13 tweets 3 min read
EDS is the hidden curse behind many cases of Long Covid/Pots/ME/Fibro. This curse in the connective tissue causes lifelong immune dysregulation which combined with the right trigger (virus/vaccine/trauma/stress) can cause dysautonomia and other functional co-morbid diseases. They unfairly label these diseases “syndromes” but they are really underlying misunderstood diseases caused by immune dysregulation. They are functional diseases but are BIOLOGICAL and NOT Psychological. Studying structures are not helpful with these diseases.
Feb 29 25 tweets 7 min read
BC 007 and GPCR Autoantibody Theory Thread…

Feb 26 4 tweets 1 min read
Low oxygen consumption and uptake by cells during rest and exercise is most likely caused by impaired oxygen delivery due to endothelial dysfunction. The Autonomic system signals to the endothelium and regulates their functioning. This is universal in lc/Pots/ME. Image #LongCovid #pwME #MECFS #Pots
Nov 17, 2023 15 tweets 2 min read
🕵🏻‍♂️👨🏻‍⚕️Abnormal Findings in Long Covid/Pots/ME/CFS: Decreased Cerebral Blood Flow when upright, Exercise Intolerance, Cardiac Preload Failure, Orthostatic Intolerance and Orthostatic Hypertension/Hypotension, Widespread Endothelial Dysfunction, MCAS, Decreased NK cell activity Hyperlipidemia, Initial Increase of Cholesterol when disease started, Low VO2 Max, Low or High T Cell Count, Exhausted Immune Cells, Dysfunctional autonomic control of the GI Tract, Slow motility and Gastroparesis, Bloating, More gas than exxon mobile, Occasional Diarrhea,
Oct 10, 2023 19 tweets 3 min read
Widespread Autonomic Dysfunction with the hallmark symptom of decreased cerebral blood flow when upright which then the heart compensates by increasing heart rate, blood pressure or both. Then we have widespread endothelial dysfunction including a breached Blood Brain Barrier. This barrier is a monolayer of endothelial cells connected by tight junctions. When the endothelium is dysfunctional, then gas exchange between capillaries and muscles do not work correctly. This causes the surrounding tissues to become hypoxic.
May 24, 2023 21 tweets 5 min read
GPCR Autoantibodies circulating the blood triggering neuroinflammation of the autonomic nervous system and small fiber nerves that control the body’s functions for daily living. Breaching Blood Brain Barrier and Gut Barriers to induce more neuroinflammation and dysfunction. These same autoantibodies triggering microclots to form in some people. The autonomic dysfunction altered the baroreceptor reflex and now the body compensates by either altering blood pressure or heart rate in order to get blood back to the heart.
May 22, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
So Endothelial dysfunction is the culprit for reduced oxygen perfusion to the tissues which in turn leads to dysfunctional aerobic metabolism and fatigue. Image The Blood Brain Barrier consists of these Endothelial Cells and has been found breached in Covid Long haulers. ImageImage
May 8, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
ME/CFS is the greatest medical scandal in human history. This disease takes people at the beginning or prime of their lives and destroys everything in their life. This disease is worse than death itself. The patient gets gaslighted by medical professionals, family members and friends. The financial burden on these patients is insurmountable. Future Careers and High Earning Salaries have been stolen from this demonic plaque. Most patients especially the ones without spouses and family are forced to live a life of poverty.
May 4, 2023 18 tweets 3 min read
This is a thread for what is going on in long covid dysautonomia: Switch flipped in brainstem area, Immediate decrease in Cerebral Blood flow (CBF) upon being upright, Sympathetic system feels like it is constantly turned on and will not switch off 2) Heart Rate increases slightly and diastolic blood pressure increases 15-30 points from laying down compared to standing, Others Heart Rate will increase significantly and blood pressure may not change. Blood flow is dysfunctional in the small vessels especially the capillaries.
Apr 24, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
ME/CFS is commonly developed after a virus/vaccine trigger. Is covid a virus? Yes 👍🏻. So that means a subset of the long covid patients will in turn be ME/CFS patients just by logic. 👨🏻‍⚕️Use your thinker and don’t be a stinker. 😏#LongCovid See what they are doing here: ImageImage
Mar 3, 2023 20 tweets 4 min read
Things we know about LC Dysautonomia so far: 1)Reduced Cerebral Blood Flow When Upright 2) Tachycardia and/or Blood Pressure Changes upon Standing. 3)Debilitating fatigue at certain times. 4) Non Cardiac Chest Pain 5) Alpha Synuclein deposits found in small fiber nerves for some. 6)GPCR Autoantibodies found by functional assays. 7) Spike protein identified in patient tissues at different time intervals. 8) Microclots found in long covid patients. 9)Breached Blood Brain Barrier has been identified by researchers. Dysfunctional Gut Barrier has been found.
Mar 3, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
For the record, I am not a bully or being mean to anyone. I respond with force when someone comes at me especially my character. I have people repeating semesters 2 and 3 times questioning my intelligence so pitiful. Sounds like a bunch of babies whining. I love how some of them attack me and then play ignorant or victim (political tactic). I think it is all because I give a political opinion or two that is different than theirs unfortunately. Another good tactic is when you comeback they try to make you look unhinged.
Mar 2, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
I think a blockedbybrad support group would be a great idea that way green face, professor chris, president john k (elle’s friend) and some of these other frauds so they can whine about politics and hate on white males in another forum and leave science to the smart peeps 😂 Counseling can be provided for the group that way when trump or desantis wins office in 2024 their psychological needs can be met.
Feb 10, 2023 43 tweets 8 min read
Long Covid begins in the brain. We have a breached BBB that leads us to not be able to regulate our cerebral blood flow in response to gravity. This leads to Sympathetic overdrive which is a compensatory mechanism and this leads to a blunted baroreflex and preload failure. 2) 2) The body responds by either increasing heart rate significantly or an increase in blood pressure specifically diastolic BP in order to get blood back up to brain. The Gut barrier is also breached along with autonomic dysfunction of the GI tract along with microbiome changes.