It's been a slice, but I'm leaving this trainwreck Profile picture
I've left this cesspool see me over at
Jan 31, 2024 18 tweets 4 min read
🧵 for those that think @PierrePoilievre is the answer to Canada's problems, you're being sold a bill of good on cheap talking points and grift. As much as PP says he will bring home powerful paycheques to workers, without cutting EI benefits/CPP contributions & drastic cuts... @PierrePoilievre to the dozens of programs that help families, like the Canadian Child Benefit paid directly to families, $10/day child care, dental plan, pharmacare the climate action rebate, will all be gone. PP will continue to blame it is needed to fix Trudeau's deficits & use that excuse
Jun 8, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
Anyone wonder why Toronto Pearson Airport is a mess. Look no further than the airlines, support services & Pearson for laying off thousands of staff. Now they are scrambling to hire. Don't be sucked into believing the Fed gov restrictions have anything to do with it. Examples...
Apr 26, 2022 33 tweets 24 min read
#onpoli #VoteFordOut here are key ridings where you can make a difference by voting strategically to prevent the Doug Ford Conservatives from forming government. Ajax riding, the strategic vote is Ontario Liberal. Otherwise Ford may win this seat. Don't be fooled by his candidate that was on the school board, they have no interest in public education. NONE. Image
Mar 8, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
BOOKMARK this tweet.
Kenney is in collusion with oil and gas in Alberta. The drop of the prov tax on gas sales will be eaten up by gas price increases equal to or more than the drop of the provincial tax, you know, to pad the O&G companies, for exec bonuses and dividends. No jobs If anyone thinks Kenney isn't fueling the profits for oil and gas from this tax cut, think again.
Feb 18, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
@Scribulatora @TheWoodsyOne When I meet someone who announces they hate Trudeau, I always ask why. I get a deer in the headlights look. They usually say, the economy. I then say, weird because all I see are headlines from prov Premiers bragging how good they are doing, so is it bad or not. ... @Scribulatora @TheWoodsyOne I say, you're driving a pretty nice car there. Your kids, they're all working, aren't they, yes they are. That's great, so why do you hate Trudeau, by the time you get thru socks, his arrogance, increased taxes and the deficits....
Nov 7, 2020 32 tweets 7 min read
Well it appears Conservative supporters in Canada are absolutely losing their fecal matter over this tweet. Will post a few here.