Dogs for Object Permanence šŸ¶ Profile picture
Healthcare, end income/any inequality. Independent. *Lots of COVID stuff* Hater of genocide. AI is going to kill the planet faster. Here still. alt ā¬‡ļø not yet
Sep 29, 2024 ā€¢ 10 tweets ā€¢ 4 min read
People near the BioLab fire - elastomeric respirators:

Cartridges forĀ acid gases, include gasses such as chlorine, hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide, have aĀ whiteĀ label.

Yellow-labeled cartridges approved for organicĀ vapors and acid gases.

More below / thread Cartridges approved forĀ ammonia or methylamineĀ have aĀ greenĀ label

From .

CDC and NIOSH pocket guide for chlorine in general -

N95 do not filter gasses likeā€¦ā€¦
Nov 17, 2023 ā€¢ 7 tweets ā€¢ 3 min read
Missed this: US Intelligence report warned of coronavirus crisis as early as November 2019 say "sources". We warned others apparently - Israel and NATO.

I saw something in Nov 2019 that made me start watching and translating tweets from China. I didn't believe it was plague. 1/ I read NYT and thought the doctor didn't sound sure of her diagnosis. The rabbit eating bubonic plague pneumonia. I said nah.

What's weird is maybe it was that and I started scanning for more and coincidentally was aware of everything that happened into the Dec 31 announcement.
Jan 14, 2023 ā€¢ 16 tweets ā€¢ 6 min read
Is it the clicks? Bc it's weird "normal" media are taking the FDA release and stressing the part about the investigation but not the conclusion - that the signal is not showing an > post-vax.

As if... Our leaders would prefer the media put out doubt that COVID is killing meemaw and uncle Bob.

COVID is only going to be bad for 4 months, per Jha's latest spin.

So what could account for excess deaths the other 8 months?

Continued with some receipts.
Dec 8, 2022 ā€¢ 13 tweets ā€¢ 7 min read
NYS gives 10 of 20 *ventilators* for *the whole state* to Oishei Children's Hospital in Buffalo as respiratory illnesses are on the rise in kids.

Why is this, @NiagaraErie? 2 of your supts were interviewed for a story asking about masking in schools. They said unnecessary!

1/ NYS provides ventilators to Oishei Children's Hospital in Bu Read what 2 Superintendents said about masks in schools (they said no) and *at the same time* NYS is providing 10 VENTILATORS for kids to a hospital in Buffalo.

@NiagaraErie masks help keep kids off ventilators. Ventilators are bad.

Via @WGRZā€¦
Dec 8, 2022 ā€¢ 5 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
Nov 15, 2022 ā€¢ 6 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
White Houseā€™s Jha says winter surge is unlikely ā€” mask mandates off the table

Ashish Jha, the White House COVID-19 coordinator, does not expect the U.S. to experience a substantial holiday surge like it did last year with omicron. ā€œWe are in a very different place, and we will remain in a different place,ā€ JhaĀ told the STAT Summit in Boston on Tuesday, noting that 90% of Americans have received at least one dose of vaccine and ā€œa large chunk of Americans have gotten infected.ā€ While he acknowledged that newer variants could change the picture, Jha said
Oct 1, 2022 ā€¢ 25 tweets ā€¢ 10 min read
Welcome to the McKinseyā„¢ thread, Quebec! You've plenty of company.

H/T @HollyBlomberg

Here's McKinsey helping a company - I mean hospital - hide opportunities for charity care. In case you are wondering how deep the rot is. It's seemingly endless.

H/T @micah_arsham
Sep 30, 2022 ā€¢ 4 tweets ā€¢ 3 min read
Let's focus on our biggest adversaries. Anyone have a recent pic of anyone with a member of the WH/admin where they're either both masked or the person w the admin is masked?

When I saw the NYC DOH head with HHS getting his booster unmasked is when I started watching. A tweet from the NYC health commissioner about getting his bThe commission getting a booster from a man wearing latex glDr. Eros meeting with Ron Klain of the WHCOS at the White HoImage from a TV - CNN or MSNBC covering the President speaki We've got one! Congrats @TheSkylineTrail

Sep 29, 2022 ā€¢ 4 tweets ā€¢ 3 min read
Say what now? "As we are ramping efforts to end #COVID19"

Who is we, exactly?

Oh wait for the pic tweets next. Omg.

All can be found on Dr. T's timeline. Tweet from @drtedros of the... Where's your masks, boys! Dr. Tedros and WH COVID adv...Dr. Tedros, a statue, and S...Dr. Tedros and Health and H...Surgeon General of the US a...
Jul 4, 2022 ā€¢ 14 tweets ā€¢ 6 min read
Last year was the year the White House declared independence from COVID as @EveExamines reminded me (I was still mad over May 13th great unmasking 1, July 3 sweet air, great unmasking 2 which when was that)?

Time to first of all remember all who died because of this.

Thread. Then all the people who have gotten sick, been disabled temporarily and we hope not permanently from this virus.

Then the people who recovered but then died months later.

And future illnesses dt COVID.

All because we couldn't be serious about the need to control this virus.
May 18, 2022 ā€¢ 30 tweets ā€¢ 9 min read
Monkey Pox Primer
Transmission -

- Bites from animals
- Aerosols
- Direct contact with lesions, blood, or body fluids from an infected person or animal.

Most cases are zoonotic and occur after contact with an infected animal, but human-to-human transmission has also been seen All the ways!

Person-to-person spread probably occurs as a result of skin-to-skin contact or in aerosols. The monkeypox virus can also be spread on fomites.

Transmission in animals is less well understood, Inc aerosols, skin abrasions, or by the ingestion of infected tissues.
May 17, 2022 ā€¢ 7 tweets ā€¢ 5 min read
NYS - now is the time to contact the Governor and our reps - tell them we need protection. Info in these tweets and from @MandateMasksNY - contacts for Governor and DOH, more!

Find your State Representatives:
Senate: Federal!
House of Reps:
The White House:

Contact County Executive or similar persona website 1 to find themā€¦ is
website 2 to find them
Oct 2, 2021 ā€¢ 10 tweets ā€¢ 3 min read
SARS 2003 survivor outcomes - read this tweet from @georgimarinov

Regarding #LongCovid 52% of SARS survivors had persistent impairment in DLCO (diffusing capacity), exercise capacity and health status were significantly lower than the normal controls of the same age groups at 24 mos postā€illness. In addition, only 78% of SARS survivors had returned to work, 29% HCW
Aug 29, 2021 ā€¢ 7 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
New COVID variant detected in South Africa and 7 other countries - Europe incl -most mutated variant so far

Is it worse?

The paper: The continuous evolution of SARS-CoV-2 in South Africa: a new lineage with rapid accumulation of mutations of concern and global detection From discussion: Many of the shared mutations have been associated with improved ACE2 binding (N501Y)25ā€“29 or furin cleavage (H655Y and P681H/R)30ā€“32, and reduced neutralization activity (particularly Y144del, 242-244del, and E484K)17,33ā€“39, providing sufficient cause for concern
Aug 29, 2021 ā€¢ 5 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
Remember "Opening Up America" plan?

The plan was actually kind of decent (airborne aside completely).

Then they gave the power to the states.

In "red" states they said cool, no rules. In "blue" states they said let consultants make rules to help businesses.

#NotUsThem Here it is: it had phases. If you started getting worse, you were supposed to move back to improve things.

All Governors took advantage of how little accountability there was.

We could use the help now.

There's a PDF as well:ā€¦
Aug 28, 2021 ā€¢ 6 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
I'm very uncomfortable seeing this type of thing. And a lot of people don't understand why.

Your care can change based on perceptions of your care team. I didn't realize the tech was so good that they can get records if the person can't communicate.

Good to know.
Aug 18, 2021 ā€¢ 172 tweets ā€¢ 69 min read
This is a lot of hot (rebreathed) air. A lot a lot.

More than 8,000 Florida students in one school district isolate or quarantine amid local covid surge

It was 5000 the other day.

Talk about "learning loss" what do you call it when adults can't learn at all?ā€¦
Jul 31, 2021 ā€¢ 4 tweets ā€¢ 3 min read
Is this right? 194,610 ppl w COVID here? Was there a backlog somewhere hopefully? Or is it weekly reporting? @SheriD17536431

Or a result of our "live your best life" with COVID policy?

Positivity 7.7%

Deaths 891

Lollapalooza was already in the red?ā€¦ Looks like we finally hit half of the total population vaccinated. Spitting into the wind.
Jul 31, 2021 ā€¢ 5 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
Jul 31, 2021 ā€¢ 11 tweets ā€¢ 3 min read
"Our results suggest that policymakers & individuals should consider maintaining NPIs & transmission-reducing behaviours throughout *entire* vaccination period."

Results of what? Rates of SARS-CoV-2 transmission & vaccination impact fate of vax-resistant strains

Modeling study This isn't so much about the vax we are using. It's about leadership it seems? (A few tweetsā¬‡ļø)

"Specifically, a concern is whether a combination of vaccination and transmission rates can create positive selection pressure on the emergence & establishment of resistant strains"
Jul 30, 2021 ā€¢ 4 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
But wait, there's more. The comments on the post above give a little more info on who this guy is.

@DataDrivenMD Image