How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App…the guy who won by almost 20 points over the other 3. His ground game was impressive and he was NOT afraid to visit homes himself. Polls in AZ showing Lake ahead significantly in the primary here because she is willing to knock on doors and engage voters directly I don’t……could only have been implemented by The System stealing the 2020 election. They knew had Trump been re-elected he would be trying to fix all these thing and getting things on track. One thing Trump was really good at was problem solving. He would have worked to fix what……ranks. It must start at the bottom and work it’s way up. It starts with your local city councils, school boards, county supervisors, local judges. Then it works up to your state house and state senators, then statewide offices: SOS, AG, Governor, etc. then it can finally…… meant to give the false pretense that there are still elections but in reality they rig the elections so that they win and work to silence dissent and subjugate their citizens into poverty while they make themselves richer and create a globalist cabal that rewards themselves..