A Convening Platform for UK-based, Black, Asian Lawyers and Activists Working Together for Justice And Opposing Racism. Email: bamelawyersforjustice@gmail.com
Sep 3, 2024 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
So 🧵Tory Cllr Raymond Connelly seeks to defend his racist wife. She pleaded guilty to violent racism but isn’t a racist? She stood firm in her views in immediate aftermath, yet we are expected to believe she’s not racist? That’s Brexit logic writ large.
He says his family have been ‘traumatised’ yet his wife called for migrants to be burned in thier beds. When asked if she accepts that the tweet was racist, he responds: “She’s not that person. I’m not too sure, really. She’s not that person; she’s probably the opposite.”
Aug 18, 2024 • 20 tweets • 4 min read
A thread on the English #RaceRiots. In assessing the aftermath and wrecked lives and smouldering Mosques left behind after the worst English race riots since Nottingham in 1958, it's time to speak some unpalatable and maybe unpopular truths.
If this was the Black or Asain riot's disadvantage and long-term poverty, we want to acknowledge the geographic, demographic, and economic context, as a plausible contextual explanation would be writ large. Lack of education and long-term unemployment would undoubtedly feature.
Aug 11, 2024 • 19 tweets • 4 min read
A 🧵Question: Why do the British labour and @TUCEquality movements almost exclusively fund @SWP or @hopenothate led anti racism?
Answer : These are white led anti racist movements. There is no interest or support on the left for independent Black and Asian led anti racism.
The Labour movements white led form of anti racism is today extractive, largely performative and reactionary. Centred around set piece rucks with Tommy or Nigel the Labour movement prefers this ‘traditional white led’ workerist type of intervention.
Aug 4, 2024 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
A🧵on #RaceRiot Sunday. As a Black
community we always knew that when the white working class figured out they were lied to over Brexit their impotence would result in them blaming Muslims. Blacks, asylum seekers anyone but the ruling class and the bankers. So said, so done.
Supported by a supine press the right wing have sought to demonize Islam and launched full-scale ideological war on the woke. Unfortunately over the last 14 years Labour concessions to this racist agenda have had the effect of legitimising racist sentiment. Brexit was the killer.
Not one African Caribbean individual or community organisation has been consulted or involved in the recruitment process for the New Met Commissioner. This is in a city where 2m people are of African descent. bit.ly/3ablzeM@ukhomeoffice@CollegeofPolice@TheVoiceNews
This is a fundamental error when considering the profound crisis in relations between the @metpoliceuk and London's African, Asian and Caribbean communities. A group of predominantly white men will be responsible for assessing the two candidates' understanding of institutional...
May 24, 2022 • 16 tweets • 7 min read
Dear @PoliceChiefs you cant solve a national problem you don't believe exists. Could be more performative cosmetic anti-racism, not radical root and branch reform. The key question where's the budget? @BarristerAbi@andygeorgeni@VikramDoddtheguardian.com/uk-news/2022/m…
" We accept that policing still contains racism, discrimination and bias. We are ashamed of those truths, we apologise for them and we are determined to change them.” Then how do you repair the collateral damage done to Black communities by decades of criminalisation?
Sep 19, 2021 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
White socialists can share the same racist views as the elite. Brexit made that plain. Lexiteers are happy to collude with xenophobia under cover of improving the plight of working class. The degree of class collaboration with the ruling elite is staggering. #socialistssunday
Some white socialist are blinded by white privilege, others adhere to a Stalinist ideological analysis that subjugates racism as a simply a by product of capitalism. Others see any black self organisation as a reactionary bourgeois threat to working class unity.
May 22, 2021 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
The problem for some sections of the left is their unrecognised paternalistic white privilege, class reductionism and anti fascist fetishisation at the expense of confronting systemic racism, is it condescendingly assumes that when it comes to fighting racism, they know best.
Anti fascism is the easiest form of anti racism to deal with given its binary nature. Tacking systemic racism is much more complex and demands you look at institutions, individuals and yourself in a critical light. This is sometimes reflexively seen as weakening the working class