@VancouverPD 🇨🇦 • Inspector • Duty Officer, Operations Division • 9-1-1 for emergencies • 604-717-3321 for non-emergencies
Dec 8, 2020 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Earlier today, a business became concerned about an elderly client.
She had arrived for an appointment with a black eye and didn't look well.
They were unsure if she had fallen or been assaulted, so they called police to do a wellness check.
She peered through the sidelight of her front door in answer to my knock.
She was spritely for an octogenarian and she shuffled down her hall, seemingly happy to have a visitor.
I followed her into the kitchen, and it was there I saw the terrible, dark swelling in her face.
I'm in the Canine Unit and respond to a domestic dispute to cover another unit.
Circumstances are such that I leave my police dog in the SUV.
In hindsight, I wish I hadn't.
A man with a history of violent domestic abuse has broken into his ex-wife's house. He's got a warrant out for his arrest, and he's breaching his court conditions by being there.
You heard her before you saw her, and she is the person I think of first when I look back on my time as a BC Corrections Officer.
She was in prison, serving a federal sentence at the Burnaby Correctional Centre for Women (BCCW) where I was a guard.