Ben WK Profile picture
Accountant. Angry leaseholder. Bad at using twitter.
Mar 19, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read

We've had #wakingwatch for over a year (£60k/month).

We agreed to fund a temp fire alarm system (£350k) to get rid of them. @LondonFire agreed the plan.

Now, mid-project we are told by @NFCC that the original plan wasn't good enough.

#endourcladdingscandal @NFCC now say that we can't get rid of #WakingWatch without a total redesign including heat sensors in every flat.

This is obviously far more expensive + turns a 2-3 month project into a 6-9 months.

This completely changes the analysis of whether the temp alarm is even worth it
Jan 25, 2021 7 tweets 5 min read
1/This evening's bed time reading:

The UN published guidence on the legal Right to Adequate Housing.

This is an international human rights law to which the UK government are held.

Let's review some quotes in light of failures to #EndOurCladdingScandal… 2/ I'll pull out some quotes in the order the appear in the document.

First this.

Leaseholders have lost this right because they can't sell. They can't even forfeit and hand the keys back to the bank in many cases. They are trapped. There is no freedom of movement.