Brittani Nichols Profile picture
Abbott Elementary Wednesday on ABC. Next day on Hulu.
Mar 16, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
Long ass thread: Hello, friends. I'm a writer on Abbott Elementary and I want to talk a bit about this chart which shows how absolute dog shit the industry has become for WGA writers and how these numbers impact writers of color. Image In the past however many years since the industry has pretended to care about hiring people of color as television writers, our numbers *have* increased. What that means is more of us have entered the industry during the period from this chart, likely at the staff writer level.
May 26, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
Apparently sheriff candidate Robert Luna is upset that people keep bringing up how his department’s vice unit ran a sting operation targeting gay men for years. He claims he didn’t know it was happening and ended the practice once he found out… If he was so against it, why didn’t he apologize? If he was so against it, why did he disagree with the most prominent case that came from this targeting being thrown out?
May 25, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
When these tragedies happen, people focus on federal politicians because that’s where the focus always is. But what about at the local level? The types of programs that have been proven time and time again to reduce gun violence in LA County are not being properly funded. Our sheriff’s department sucks up the money that should be used to fund these programs. Voters made clear that we want these programs by overwhelmingly supporting Measure J.
Mar 24, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
I worked for the bad shrimp man. If the tweet below gets 500 retweets, I'll start talking. It got 500 retweets so I'm keeping my word and talking about my time working for the cinnamon shrimp man. It is my duty as a Gemini to harness my power for good so here I am.
Mar 22, 2021 14 tweets 4 min read
Today @cerisecastle released, "A Tradition of Violence: The History of Deputy Gangs in the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department." The amount of pain & trauma she had to ingest has been expansive and at times, all-consuming. And she is only the reporter. Every act of state violence causes a ripple effect of pain and trauma. Starting with the person (who is forced by the state into victimhood) and moving to their friends, families, and communities.
Mar 1, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
As the calls for reimaging public safety become louder and louder, the cops are gonna become slicker and slicker. One of the ways that'll probably happen is them trying to direct money to the exact programs groups like @lacan and @BLMLA have been ringing the bell on for years. Cops are liars and utterly unconcerned with safety, helping, or improving. Their aim will be to expand as many of these programs as possible so that they can keep the money. They've already shown what their idea of reimagining is when they decided to create a new ass bureau (CSP)
Mar 1, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Just did a quick read of "Diversity with Equity" which "scrutinizes two complimentary issues: diversity and pay inequity among city employees of different ethnicities, specifically pointing out the lower pay earned by employees of color, and women of color most of all." (thread) Nearly 73% are PoC, and the proportion of black employees exceeds that of the city’s population
81% percent of women are PoC
Black women earned 25% less than the average gross salary
White men earned 21% more than the average
Of the 100 highest paid City employees, 2 were women.
Feb 23, 2021 20 tweets 9 min read
Today @kcrw had a meeting to discuss @cerisecastle's appearance on @thelapod. If you haven't listened to it yet, the interview starts around 1:04:22. Because I am smart and everyone hates them, I have a recording of their meeting lmao. (thread)… So right away let me say 3 things coming down the pipeline according to this meeting
1.) They've decided not to extend the #MyBlackLA project
2.) They've decided to deny all allegations and call @cerisecastle a liar
3.) Drew Tewksbury has resigned
Feb 11, 2021 16 tweets 4 min read
Yesterday I read @nithyavraman's thread on her controversial yes vote on Times Mirror Square, a luxury housing project connected to the notoriously corrupt former CM Huizar. The towers will have more than 1,100 units. 24 will be moderate-income units and 10 low-income units. I've only now watched the video of the meeting. If I'd watched just the video, I probably would have thought maybe this was a mistake (given the question asked). But then they dropped the thread justifying the vote which plants this pretty firmly as a choice in my eyes.
Oct 23, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read
If you didn't know, @davidryu4u (running for City Council in LA) called @GroundGameLA an extremist group that promotes hate and violence. I can't express to you how serious it is to have an elected official say something like this. (thread) These sorts of claims against community-led groups, historically, have emboldened cops, the FBI, & sometimes just random ass people to harass, infiltrate, surveil, and/or MURDER people. A supposed progressive Dem (his words, not mine) invoking this sort of attack is significant.
Oct 21, 2020 13 tweets 3 min read
Today LAPD chose to arrest someone for trying to stop a crime instead know...stopping the crime. When I arrived, a man who identified himself as Dean was next to a locked U-Haul that had been loaded with the belongings of an unhoused man who was not present. He said he was told by his employer to do so. Clearly he was trying to do his job. However, it's obvious that taking belongings that don't belong to you & that you were not told to collect by the owner, is stealing. Committing a crime cuz your boss told you isn't a valid defense.
Aug 15, 2020 13 tweets 3 min read
I know that America has trained you to think you can solve any problem with more capitalism but buying stamps is not what's going to ensure a fair election. Hate to break it to you but we never have fair elections. Suppression & disenfranchisement is a constant reality. (thread) I think it's in our best interest to focus on things we can organize around to ensure a better (still not fair) election and take some comfort in knowing concerns about the post office disappearing have been around for years and it's still here.
Jul 23, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
I regret to inform you that @MitchOFarrell is still on his bullshit. When word got around that a family with an infant moved into Echo Park, he showed his dusty ass up and then bragged about it during his "Councilmember in Your Corner" event that was conveniently right after. The family has been there for weeks. So it either took him that long to hear about it or it took him that long to do something. Either way, not great! After firing @AshleyNicholeB for trying to set a meeting between him and the folks at Echo Park in January, he's ignored them.
Jun 5, 2020 12 tweets 3 min read
I've already hit on why #8cantwait bugged so I decided to do some digging just to see what's up. Campaign Zero is a project of We the Protestors which is affiliated with an Obama Task Force on 21st Century Policing. Already I'm laughing. The Obama Foundation promotes them but their available paperwork is all kind of circuitous and lacks detail. They've worked hard to conceal this information which is weird because 501c3's like to celebrate their donors.
May 7, 2018 5 tweets 1 min read
As the original Donald Glover stan, I will now give my two cents on This is America armed with my Sick Boi mixtape and IAMDONALD ticket stub. Everyone is now hip to the Jim Crow imagery which I think is meant to be taken several ways. #1 How DG/CG has felt for sometime. Either you’re the thug or the comedic relief. But what happens when you’re not one and you’re tired of being the other? I think that's the question he's been trying to answer with his career.