US based independent researcher on Ethiopian politics | PhD in social & political studies from the University of Aberdeen
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Mar 14, 2023 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Oromia PP has lost touch with reality. Despicably corrupt officials have continued to weaken our country's social integrity with apparent impunity. They are cold-bloodedly overseeing the massacre of thousands of citizens across the region, which is largely tumultuous & perilous.
The cover-up of the Borana famine, which has starved over 800,000 people & killed 3.3 million cattle, while the regional politicians feasted on misappropriated public resources, shows how greed & ego animate the myopic & regressive politics of the region.
Feb 15, 2023 • 17 tweets • 3 min read
It might seem a weak argument, but🫣
Context 1:
OPP is hijacked by a network of corrupt & more radical ethno-nationalists
The network grew while the PM focused on the war
Some in the network used to be the PM’s close allies in tackling a faction opposed to the inception of PP
(Background) OPP started competing with more radical groups in its last days as OPDO & eventually adopted full blown ethnocentric practices
Those radical political groups (excl. OLF-A) have been paralyzed, but the faction within OPP has refused to embrace a moderate approach
Oct 25, 2022 • 7 tweets • 1 min read
In the initial phase of the peace talks, TPLF wants nothing but a ceasefire.
Here is why:
TPLF leaders understand that they have hardly any bargaining power to demand political concessions at this point. They cannot put pressure on the Government for a respite, either.…
It's shamefully devoid of accurate accounts of the genesis & development of the conflict
It absolves the TPLF of all its crimes:
▶️destroying infrastructure, including hospitals, roads & hospitals
▶️massacring residents, refugees, aid workers & troops
The resemblance b/n the tragedy of Libya & #Ethiopia🤔
This month marks the 10th anniversary of the US-NATO war against Libya. Launched on the pretext of defending “democracy” and “human rights”
'...the New York Times covers up crimes of imperialism'…
"Eight months of continuous bombing laid waste to whole swathes of the country, the US and the European powers utilized Al Qaeda-linked militias as their proxy ground troops in a war for regime-change that ended in the torture and murder of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi."
Mar 19, 2021 • 6 tweets • 4 min read
The frenzied attack by Biden's administration on #Ethiopia is NEVER about people in Tigray or anywhere else. No amount of countering its false narratives will satiate its appetite for 'invading' #Ethiopia, as its chance through the insurgents is fading. @_AfricanUnion@PMEthiopia
The @POTUS knows the facts; in fact, better than we do! These people are hell-bent on breaking the spirit of #Ethiopianism. They will come after anything #Ethiopian, which they are already condemning as savagery & #Amhara|nism.
This is no more a conspiracy theory; it's reality!