BlackWomxnFor Profile picture
Black Womxn For is focused on creating intentional meeting spaces for BW & GNC community leaders to talk about our impact on the 2020 elections
Mar 27, 2020 22 tweets 15 min read
#MutualAid THREAD. Hey everyone - we know that the world is a scary place right now and everything feels so different in such a short span we are all reeling. We wanted to take time to share several funds that are set up to meet the needs of marginalized people around the country #COVID19 Response Fund for sex workers in DC area. Donate here:
Feb 28, 2020 5 tweets 4 min read
Thread. On Accountability, Not Perfection. When @BlackWomxnFor embarked on a process to endorse a candidate for President of the United States we did so with a mind toward movement building and co-governance. What would it mean to have a President who was accountable to communities most impacted by their policies? What would it look like to not only bring a folding chair like Shirley Chisholm taught us, but to actually shake the table?
Jan 27, 2020 11 tweets 17 min read
The first time our collective (while not officially formed yet - that would come later) met @ewarren was in Philadelphia. During this deep conversation it became clear to all of us present that this was a different kind of candidate. #AllOfUs4Warren @ewarren No topics were off limits. No questions were provided to the campaign ahead of time & no press there to cover the conversation. Just @ewarren ready to listen to what we had to say and to respond to our questions with deep thought & consideration. #AllOfUs4Warren
Sep 22, 2019 10 tweets 17 min read
Tonight we wanted to give some love to the amazing @BlackWomxnFor Steering Committee who has been helping us make moves from the start! First up is @TheWayWithAnoa - if you aren't already SUBSCRIBED to her podcast - what are you waiting for?… @TheWayWithAnoa How about @CarmenBerkley - Political Dynamo, DJ extraordinaire, dopeness personified! Listen to them every week on the radio or online: