Important explanatory notes for the #BuildingSafetyBill Amendments tabled by Earl of Lytton for anyone following the debate today. If any of the other Lords have issued explanatory notes for their amendments please post in the thread.
201 - This new amendment provides for the Crown to take on the liabilities of the freeholder if a building with building safety defects escheats to the Crown (plugs @luhc gap)
"There seems to be some type of cover-up going on, as I was refused a copy of the National House Building Council's report on this system which was then obtained by Granada and shows all of the major defects in the system."
"...a debate should be held to force the Government to prevent the continued use of this system, at least until the BRE survey of timber frame construction is published in full and to ensure that the report is not hushed up."
1. Scale - how many bldgs impacted/data 2. Building Safety Fund - multiple issues 3. Gap between Govt promises and actions
Jun 1, 2021 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
“A serious failure of a smoke ventilation system that resulted in the building acting like a “broken chimney” left residents’ only escape route smoke logged during the New Providence Wharf fire...” @weareballymore…
"It is the responsibility of the building owner or manager to make sure the AOV, which is designed to ventilate and extract smoke during a fire to help residents escape, operates correctly."
Aug 30, 2020 • 7 tweets • 5 min read
@hmtreasury@GOVUK will soon be making a profit out of the #BuildingSafety Crisis! Simple maths for the moment, would welcome help from an economist to validate. Pls share THREAD 👇
£1.6bn of taxpayer funding pledged to #ACM fund (£600m) and #BuildingSafety fund (£1bn) assuming this is all spent @hmtreasury could receive back 👇