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All about the #ClimateCrisis, #ClimateResponsibility & #ClimateAction. Stand with #Ukraine @Danceslight has my heart.🇨🇦🇸🇪🇬🇧 🌎☮️😷🇺🇦🌻
Jan 21, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
@cnnbrk #CovingtonCatholic I saw the 90 min video yesterday. Yes, kids were riled up by the “preacher” but there was no need to be in Mr. Phillips’ face & the chanting & chopping is reflective of the school’s historical attitudes, which a little research would clearly show.

There are numerous anecdotes on social media of intense bullying of anyone “different” to the point where students have had to leave the school. There is apparently a tradition of basketball fans in *full blackface* coming onto the court to mock & harass opposing black
