Bo Ren Profile picture
Managing Director at @siliconvlybank, championing the founders of today and tomorrow. Past @facebook @instagram @tumblr | Opinions are my own
Potato Of Reason Profile picture 1 subscribed
Nov 1, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
52% of the wealth in the world is now managed by women. Let that sink in. And yet it is stigmatized for women to talk about money. All my investing, personal financing, stock speculation chats are with groups of male friends. Let's change that. Stale data here:…. It's gone from 51% to 52% recently.
Mar 22, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
1/ Find your goalkeepers instead of your gate keepers 🥅 2/ In Marc Ecko's book Unlabel, he talks about the concept of gatekeepers vs goal keepers. Most entrepreneurs obsess about the opinions of gate keepers: VCs, press, critics, peers etc—often distracting themselves from building with authenticity.
Dec 20, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Finished Ted Lasso. Man, what a great show. Looking forward to the Medium thought piece about his positive coaching style and how that translates to leadership in corporate America. 1. Love how he individualizes each player's strengths and weaknesses. He makes sure each player reaches their unique potential.
Oct 1, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
One thing I'm learning is rewiring my brain to move away from obstacles and risk mitigation mindset to risk-taking. As a 1st gen immigrant, I have internalized a lot of limiting beliefs. I am indeed capable of more risk than I believe. I am capable of doing more than I perceive. When perceiving obstacles you search for ways something *can't* work so you're not seeking opportunities. It's all about shifting from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset. There are limitless opportunities in this world.
Sep 26, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
The “substackification” of knowledge workers is happening bc people are increasingly becoming freelancers. Bc you don’t own your own patents or IP working for institutions knowledge workers are looking for ways to create a portfolio of thoughts, opinions, and unique perspective. When people hire for non-task oriented roles like PM, VC, and consulting they are evaluating candidates on their taste, thoughts, and intellectual palette. Hence, why writing and sharing your ideas openly is so important.
Sep 24, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Something I'm learning the hard way in this world is that being a substantive thinker and value creator is a downside in a world that runs on nepotism, incompetence, and personal relationships. This has been one of the hardest lessons to learn as an operator turned investor. As an immigrant and daughter of a scientist, I was taught to show "proof points" of my worth, show people work in advance, instead of selling them on the dream. What I had to learn is the power of reality creation and selling people on you --betting on you, not your work.
Sep 18, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Apple should take a stance against this to embolden their privacy value prop. The Appstore should not be censored. It’s infringing on the rights of app creators and sets a negative precedent for a slippery slow of govt censorship and free market intervention. This is devastating on so many levels. I echo @katherineykwu’s sentiments. This will further estrange US-China relations in an already codependent economic relationship. Our fates are tied.
Sep 17, 2020 8 tweets 1 min read
People come and go in your life. Great mentors are rare to come by. The difference between a good mentor and a great mentor: An good mentor advises you based on their past experiences and projections.
Aug 23, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
@AOC is a loud and proud beauty/skincare junkie and so am I. Beauty is not frivolous. We can love skincare and makeup AND be smart, talented, and taken seriously. Beauty comes from within but also do what you need to feel confident: I’ve wondered if tweeting about my love for skincare on this platform would diminish my credibility as a woman in tech. Now I realize it’s really the patriarchy making me want to justify my hobby, passion, and expertise. Beauty and substance are NOT mutually exclusive.
Aug 3, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Had a chat with an old coworker today and we both agreed creating culture change is harder than shipping product. Why? Culture change is shifting the hearts and minds of ppl rewarded by an incentives structure. You are changing the moral ecology of an environment. The insidious force is often the ppl in orgs who are trying to change culture are women and BIPOCs who get “managed out” for speaking truth to power. Everyone loves Joan of Arc but no one wants to be her burning at the stake.
Jul 19, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Honored to be on this women in product list with @merci @joulee @ellenchisa… I owe these women A LOT. @joulee encouraged me to write without asking for permission when I was a baby RPM at FB. She gave me the courage to publish.
Jul 19, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Sometimes it's really hard to be a woman on the internet. You'll be critiqued, negged, and dragged for well, being you. Sometimes I think about quitting Twitter completely. Is it worth it to expose myself and be vulnerable to attacks? As a visible BIPOC woman, you will be held to a higher standard of scrutiny, accountability, and representation than white men. Then I look to women like @ArlanWasHere @lolitataub @TaylorLorenz @timnitGebru and find strength in their courage and resilience.
Jun 22, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
1/ My favorite story about my dad is he got into Peking University (the Harvard of China) but a corrupt communist official swapped his admission ticket w/ his daughter's admission ticket. 2/ My dad was sent to the state medical university instead, cashing his dreams of studying physics at Peking. The corrupt bureaucrat didn't even try to cover up the scandal and sent him to the women's dorm room originally assigned to his daughter.
Jun 17, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
1/ I just had an enlightening convo Jim Waldo Professor of CS at Harvard SEAS department that made me question everything I know about data privacy 🤯. He made me realize tech's definition of data privacy is short-sighted and narrow. 2/ He defines data privacy not as ownership or control of data but rather as our trust and use of data. Privacy is really trust and relationship to data.
Jun 14, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
My Saturday night reading is @carolinesinders's Feminist Data Set Project. This fuses my love for intersectional feminism, design thinking, AI, and interrogating outdated systems. I'm in heaven. How we collect, train, label, and use data for algorithms is an act of resistance. ImageImage The data models we train our AIs are biased (mainly cis-gender white men and women) which then creates error propagation overtime. To achieve social equity in our data sets and models we need to collect data from marginalized communities and diverse sample pools.
Jun 14, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
This Gartner's hype report about emerging AI trends is on point:… 1/ Edge AI is going to help cut costs, latency, and high volume ingestion in iOT infrastructure.
Jun 6, 2020 18 tweets 4 min read
1/ In light of the current events this week, I'm breaking my silence about offer negotiations was a WOC in tech. My DMs are open to all POCs and black operators who would like advice on offer negotiations b/c this is an area we are woefully disadvantaged in. 2/ My Chinese immigrant parents raised me to be grateful for any offer I got. When I received my FB RPM offer I was ecstatic and grateful! Omg an offer with a signing bonus and equity! Something I had never imagined from my humble beginnings in customer service to product.
Jun 3, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Growing up I wondered why is Oregon so white? Why are there only black people living on the East side? Why am I the only token Asian at my SW Portland public school? Below is a history of Oregon's black exclusion laws they didn't teach us in history. 1/ White people have financially benefited from the whiteness of Oregon for so long by prohibitive laws keeping out black people. Oregon prohibited blacks from moving there with the last laws only repeated in 1920s as part of the "Black Exclusion Laws."
May 13, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
This weekend I had a couple of hard convos with my friends with the Alison Roman ordeal. It was hard b/c some of the closest people to me couldn't see what was wrong with her statement taking down two successful Asian women. I felt helpless, hopeless, and alone that I had to explain myself to my oppressors. I thought it was emotional labor to educate someone privileged on the tough issues on race when they can't see what's wrong. It's not emotional labor. It's shared humanity. I will never give up.
May 3, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Only build with value-aligned investors and partners. Life is too short to compromise your own morals for momentary gains. Today I had a moral crisis when someone who was very powerful had fallen from grace in the SV #metoo movement reach out to me. For a moment, I felt obligated to engage but then I realized this man was no longer powerful anymore. I *had* the power to let him into my life again and endorse him for his "second act". I refuse to give tacit consent to predators searching for redemption.
Apr 10, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
I’m all for this 2008 real authenticity Twitter throwback! I’m sick and tired of people curating their images online. When I worked on creative sharing tools at FB we did a lot of experiments on how to get people to “fast publish” w/o too much fear or overthinking. The reality is people have become too self-conscious about posting online bc you’re afraid of your boss, mom, neighbor, and grandma seeing it. You can’t mass broadcast without censoring yourself. This is something I struggle with A LOT as my audience has grown.