Piper Hutchinson Profile picture
Louisiana politics & higher ed reporter @IlluminatorLA | Formerly: @lsureveille EIC & @manshipxgr reporter | @NAHJ & @nlgja member | @ManshipSchool | she/her
May 3, 2024 19 tweets 4 min read
Small pro-Palestine protest gathering outside Patrick F. Taylor Hall at LSU #lalege #lagov The protestors are calling for the LSU foundation to divest its endowment from Israel and companies that support Israel
Jun 2, 2023 10 tweets 7 min read
Senate Judiciary A is meeting to discuss Rep. @FirmentGabe’s HB648, which would ban gender affirming healthcare for trans youth. No Democrats are present. #lalege #lagov Image The bill was initially killed in Health and Welfare, but it was discharged to Judiciary A last night. Here's some background on this unusual move: #lalege #lagov

Jun 1, 2023 8 tweets 5 min read
The committee is now taking up Rep. Dodie Horton’s HB466, which prohibits discussion of gender identity and sexual orientation in public schools. Referred to by critics as a “don’t say gay bill” #lalege #lagov “The sexualization and indoctrination of children without permission of parents should be a non controversial issue. Parents are concerned that their children's are being exposed to dangerous innocence destroying topics,” Horton said #lalege #lagov
Jun 1, 2023 7 tweets 5 min read
Senate Education taking up two anti-LGBTQ+ bills. First up is Rep. @raymondcrewsla’s HB81, which forbids use of trans youth’s name and pronouns without parental permission #lalege #lagov Image Yet again, Slidell pastor John Raymond, who has been charged with juvenile cruelty, is here to speak in support of the bill #lalege #lagov

May 31, 2023 17 tweets 10 min read
In House education, Rep. Ken Brass asks @RepHodges64 to define CRT. “People teaching that one race is superior or inferior to another or that some people are advantaged because of the color of their skin,” Hodges said. #lalege #lagov Hodges falsely claims that there’s a critical race theory department at LSU #lalege #lagov #laed
May 30, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
Rep. Larry Frieman has proposed an amendment to Sen. Fred Mills’ bill to create a pharmacy benefit managers quality incentive program that prohibits participants from engaging in gender affirming care. Another retribution amendment #lalege #lagov Image Background #lalege #lagov
