Scott Dippel Profile picture
Municipal affairs reporter for CBC Calgary. When not at City Hall it's still all politics, all the time. News tips?
Sep 6 6 tweets 3 min read
Did a tour of the City's now former Green Line alignment. Over at Eau Claire, the ex-market & nearby condos are ready for demolition. People lost their homes when their land was bought by the City to make way for the Green Line -- which won't be coming here anytime soon. 1/6
In Ramsay, backhoes are being used to finish the demolition of the Artpoint building. It came down this week to make way for the Green Line. 2/6 Image
Apr 26, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
CEMA Chief Sue Henry is now providing a COVID-19 update. She says Alta has the highest case count in Canada per 100,000 pop. #yyccc Henry says Calgary now has the highest number of COVID-19 cases of any time during the pandemic. Variants now make up 64% of cases.
Apr 26, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Coun Farkas has put forward this motion, seconded by Coun Chu. #yyccc Coun Carra calls it grandstanding, says he will not support it. Coun Farrell says members of council should put in the work and know the issues. #yyccc
Apr 26, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Coun Davison agrees this decision is a no-brainer. It's about securing the quality of life for all citizens. Downtown property values have dropped $18 billion he says. Calgary's challenges are bigger than anywhere else in North America, he points out. #yyccc Davison says this is about expanding the tax base, not boosting property tax rates. He says investors want security and once city gives that, it's job is to get out of the way.