Cami Ryan, PhD Profile picture
Industry Affairs & Sustainability | @Bayer4CropsCA | Science Fellow | Chair @GenomeCanada SIAC | @usask_are | #agriculture #science | funny (at times)
Sep 4, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
🧵Did you hear? There’s a new movie coming out “Percy” starring Christopher Walken and Cristina Ricci. It is based on the real life case of Percy Schmeiser and his battle with Big Bad Ag. h/t @adrienneivey @MongrelMedia This story captured the imagination of the public 20 years ago. It lives on – now in the cinema. It certainly has been a riveting part of my life and career history. It’s Canadian, set in my home province, and it is about agriculture. I’ve studied and I’ve written about the case.
Jan 13, 2020 14 tweets 6 min read
Our journal article "Monetizing Disinformation in the Attention Economy: the case of GMOs" is now open access as part of a special issue of the European Management Journal on “The Dark Side of Social Media.”… 1/n FYI: When I joined Monsanto in 2014, I was delighted to learn that all scientific articles that our scientists publish are made available via open access. In keeping with this policy, we paid the journal fees to ensure that our article wasn’t stuck behind a paywall. 2/n
Jan 3, 2020 13 tweets 7 min read
Let’s talk about #celebrity and the spread of #misinformation. This thread is inspired by @CaulfieldTim’s latest article “Celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow made the 2010s the decade of health and wellness misinformation” 1/n… Backstory: In 2014, I did contract research for @GenomeCanada’s Genome Prairie on agriculture, science and public perceptions of biotechnology. This report (below) - including bits on #misinformation - was the outcome. You don't have to read it... 2/n…