Candice Malcolm Profile picture
Journalist, broadcaster, author, entrepreneur, Founder of True North and Juno News (@junonewscom), wife & mother of 4 🇨🇦
Mar 17 5 tweets 2 min read
EXCLUSIVE: Mark Carney sent his eldest daughter Sasha Carney to discredited U.K. Tavistock Transgender Clinic Image PM Mark Carney’s daughter Sasha, who uses “they/them” pronouns and legally changed her name from Sophia to Sasha, discusses her experience at the radical Tavistock transgender clinic in an essay unearthed by True North Image
Mar 28, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
The Canadian Press is once again publishing Trudeau Liberal propaganda and trying to pass it off as "journalism" 🧵 Here is their latest, telling us that Muslim Canadians won't vote for Pierre Poilievre because of Poilievre's support for Israel in it's fight against genocidal terrorism.

'We won't forget': How some Muslims view Poilievre's stance on Israel-Hamas war…
Mar 3, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
I still can't get over the white-washing of Blood & Soil here. It's really wild. BTW we're living in a bizarro world where the Toronto Star was *significantly* more fair and balanced than our friends over at the National Post. I'll do a quick thread pointing out how 2/
Mar 3, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Just how far will Postmedia/National Post go to defend Chrystia Freeland and the Liberals?

Tristin Hopper found someone to DEFEND blood & soil.

You can't make this stuff up. What a sad, pathetic new low for Canada's bailout media. When those loser white nationalists were chanting "blood & soil" in Charlottesville, VA, were they just saying "blood as in life, as in roses in blossom" and not blood as in our bloodline? @TristinHopper
Feb 28, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
They're seriously just making it up as they go... 1/ First, they said the Emergencies Act was necessary to stop violent extremism and an apparent credible threat that the protesters were trying to overthrow the government. That turned out to be nonsense.… 2/
Feb 25, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
The left's irrational hatred of Canadian oil, the Trudeau government's repeated attempts to kill the industry, are both morally reprehensible and have far-reaching and frankly devastating political consequences. Forgive me if I roll my eyes at those cheering on Chrystia Freeland for her "harsh words" to Putin. Talk is cheap. How about an immediate ban on all oil imports from Russia? How about sanctions against those who buy Russian gas? How about we do something beyond symbolic gestures.
Feb 14, 2022 18 tweets 5 min read
Trudeau has lost control of the country. Invoking the Emergency Measures Act -- the most sweeping set of powers available to a prime minister, the act that replaced the War Measures Act -- only confirms his complete and utter failure at dealing with a positive, optimistic & peaceful grassroots movement.
Feb 1, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
When Erin O'Toole became leader of the CPC, he said he wanted to court the unions and expand the coalition to include disaffected NDP voters. He said he wanted to reach out to voters in the "working and lower middle class." That was his goal. He wanted blue collar Canadians to know that they have a home in the Conservative Party of Canada.
Jan 30, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
True North will pay $1,000 to anyone who can help identify the person flying the Nazi flag.

Who is he or she? Where is this photo taken? Are there any other photos, aside from this single shot making the rounds? Pls don’t doxx. DMs are open. Thank you 🙏 Image UPDATE: I’ve received more photos, this one appears to be at the Chateau Laurier. Help us identify this individual so we can try to better understand who they are and why they flew this vile flag. The pot is up to $3k thanks to two matching donors. Image
Oct 1, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
Forgive my indulgence, but here's a thread on the problem of being a female entrepreneur & business owner as well as a conservative. For all the talk of the Left being progressive feminists my left-wing detractors are far more sexist than anyone I’ve encountered on the Right 1/12 A group of Leftist trolls insist that I did not start the company I started. They twist the facts & torque the truth to try to diminish my accomplishments and cast doubt over my legitimacy. So let me set the record straight. 2/12
Oct 9, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
The # of COVID cases is basically irrelevant; it reflects the # of tests, not the prevalence of COVID. The #s that matter are hospitalizations, ICU capacity & deaths, which remain ~flat (remember the whole flatten the curve thing? We did that.) Source: Image I was sick in March & had just returned from a COVID hotspot (Santa Clara country). I couldn't get tested in Toronto for weeks because, at the time, they were only testing people returning from China. Even in April, they were conducting 9,000 tests/day vs. 48,500 tests/day now. Image
Aug 25, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
You expect a politician to give a dishonest partisan answer like this, but what about the journalist asking the question? How does this pass for honest reporting? THREAD Without any evidence or examples, this reporter states that Harper “muzzled scientists” then jumped to O’Toole because... he hired conservative staff? Is there evidence O’Toole’s staff were involved in whatever this reporter is referring to? Because if so, state the evidence pls.
Mar 12, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
I’ve been on hold for over an hour. Most people wouldn’t wait this long to find out about COVID 19 testing — they’d just go into a health clinic or ER, putting others at risk.

Canadians need more resources if they’re experiencing symptoms and want to be tested. Doing bath time with my son with Toronto Public Health’s hold loop in one ear 🛀👶🙄
Mar 12, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Thread on COVID 19 and why my family has decided to “self isolate” for the next 14 days. According to government tallies, there are only 42 cases in Ontario. This is not true. It can’t be. We don’t know who has COVID 19 because there are not enough tests being administered to ppl with symptoms or ppl who’ve interacted with outbreak hotspots.
Dec 13, 2019 13 tweets 4 min read
Trudeau's Mandate Letters are out! This thread covers new policies and concerning aspects.… The Minister of Heritage has been assigned to "Create new regulations for social media platforms."

So much for free speech and the internet...
Oct 20, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
A few things on the #KinsellaGate controversy.

1. Scheer needs to provide a better answer. "We don't comment" won't cut it. Hiring a firm to discredit a fellow conservative & paint hundreds of thousands of Canadians as racist is something we expect of Liberals, not Conservatives 2. The Conservatives have always tried to brand their opponents before they brand themselves - to varying success. Ignatieff was just visiting. Trudeau was just not ready. But doing it to Bernier in this backhanded way was pathetic. Have the courage to put your name on it.
Sep 19, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
This is Justin Trudeau in 2001. It isn’t just the painted blackface, look at those painted hands — copping a feel. ImageImage Yes, it was a long time ago. But even in 2001, everyone else at the party had the good sense not to colour their face, neck and arms to mock an entire race of people. Image
Sep 13, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
This is a perfect example of open border activists parading around like journalists. This article is 💯 false. It's incorrect, and goes way beyond objective reporting.… Elizabeth May made a false claim at the debate last night. She said: "There is no queue for refugees" in response to Scheer's assertion that illegal border crossers jump the queue. May was wrong, not Scheer.
Jan 15, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
Remember when the leftwing Toronto media immediately ruled out terrorism & condemned anyone who questioned their made-up narrative that the Danforth Shooter had a "million dollar smile" & his deadly rampage was motivated by mental illness? WELL, a new report destroys that idea... Previously redacted documents from the Toronto Police released on Tuesday reveal what was found in the killer's bedroom. First, a stockpile of weapons, including two fully loaded AK-47 magazines...
Feb 21, 2018 13 tweets 5 min read
#BREAKINGNEWS: Trudeau’s India entourage includes a man convicted of a 1986 attempt to assasinate a visiting Indian politician in Canada. Story coming soon from the Sun. #india #BREAKING: Convicted assassin and former member of a Sikh terrorist group accompanies Trudeau to India.…