Lloyd Richard McElheny Profile picture
Full-on, God fearing, deliberately pre-maritally celibate, out, witnessing/confessing, unapologetic, Christian man. ¡Andrew Breitbart lives!
Dec 9, 2020 11 tweets 2 min read
(1/?) Many, many people are on the brink of finding out, (the hard way), that the states created the federal government, not the other way around.

State legislatures STILL hold the ultimate power over elections, if they care to exercise it. (2/?) The founders were leery of both direct democracy, and executive power.

Initially, Senators were appointed by state legislatures. The seventeenth amendment changed that. That's looking more and more like a colossal mistake
Dec 2, 2020 16 tweets 6 min read
Mini thread, (1/?) Unpopular opinion:
The real "virus" lockdowns are meant to be suppress are ideas in contravention to the postmodern "Progressive" religion, ideas not filtered through what clearly has become the mockingbird social and #FakeNews media (2/?) LESS THAN A YEAR AGO, JordanBPeterson was speaking deep, unfiltered, truths to thousands, over and over, an hour plus at a time. Mockingbird, #FakeNews, "news" and social media can't have that, can we?