Adam Shehata, MD, JD, ATPL Profile picture
Doctor, lawyer, pilot, father, husband, civic-minded community member. Views are my own.
Feb 11 24 tweets 4 min read
I took my wife who has metastatic breast cancer to the ER last night because she had a fever. They confirmed that she has a life-threatening condition called febrile neutropenia.

1/17 This is where there is a fever and a presumed infection and due to chemotherapy there aren’t enough white blood cells to fight infection.

In my wife’s case, it’s not that she has too few white blood cells, it’s that she has zero. Mortality (death) from this can approach 70%
Oct 30, 2024 23 tweets 4 min read
I recently attended an academic talk in Canada on how humanitarian medicine can be improved for conflicts such as Gaza.

This was met with some dissenting opinions.

A thread 🧵 about the tactics chosen:

1/23 This academic talk was given by a well-known Canadian physician who provided firsthand accounts of war crimes perpetrated by Israel, which was one part of a larger talk that included discussion of medical care at other genocides, such as Rawanda.
May 15, 2019 25 tweets 8 min read
With the #abortion bills in the US effectively banning abortion in all circumstances, it is time we remember Henry #Morgentaler, a Canadian physician who challenged the #criminalization of abortion in Canada and went to prison for it.


#law #medicine #obgyn Dr. Morgentaler was born in Poland in 1923. He was imprisoned in Nazi concentration camps during World War II. After the war, he immigrated to Canada to study and practice medicine. 2/25