Dr Carly Danesh - Jones MBE FRSA h(DS)c Profile picture
@NHS Co pro Lead #Author Member @CabinetOfficeUK CVS #Honours committee 🎖IMP @MoJGovUK @HeathrowAirport #OliversCampaign -email britishautismadvocate@gmail.com
late_dx Profile picture 1 subscribed
Mar 22, 2020 25 tweets 5 min read
Happy Mother’s Day 🏡❤️ I’m writing a thread this morning about my concerns as an Autistic mum of an Autistic young person (plural ) during #COVIDー19 and why both my lived experiences and professional experiences lead me to believe #Autistic of all ages are sadly “high risk” Before I begin it’s an important disclaimer that I am NOT a medical professional,and although I help boards of a social and medical nature ,this is a ponder and insight sharing of my professional support and advocacy life and my personal insights from a personal perspective...
Mar 18, 2020 12 tweets 3 min read
🦠🧼 Should you have an #Autistic spouse /child /parent who seems to be doing strangely “ok” amongst the #coronavirus changes please bear in mind we often have emotional processing delays 🦠🧼..... It’s quite easy to assume that due to our regular need of time alone that isolation will be easy for us ,it won’t be , many of us struggle to not be able to access the food we eat on a limited diet ,the sensory issues of more washing ,comfort of our routines being disrupted ...
Jun 30, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
Autistic people don't ”do” hierarchy
(a thread don't know how long )

Hierarchy is a social construct so for those of us who are less socially constructed ,hierarchy feels and looks different.

This doesn't mean we are disrespectful as we can learn rules and routines perfectly What it does means is that we are likely to talk to a king in the same manner we would talk to a homeless man on the streets ,hopefully if you're kind hearted , that's a good thing 👍

It's a really useful life skill, here's why...