Carrie Fowlie Profile picture
Community worker - community control, human rights, drug policy, harm reduction, communicable disease elimination, public policy
Apr 12, 2021 52 tweets 64 min read
I am attending the annual meeting of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (@CND_tweets), the principal policy-making body of the United Nations in drug-related matters. #CND64 is being held in person in Vienna & virtually. In this thread I will share information & reflections🧵⬇️ 1/ Image I am privileged to be a member of the Australian Civil Society Committee on United Nations Drug Policy.
The Committee provides input & collaborates with the Australian Government; participates in @CND_tweets; and encourages dialogue with Australian civil society.
#CND64 2/
Oct 19, 2020 26 tweets 38 min read
I am attending the #UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs intersessional

This is the only time #hepatitisC is on the workplan

We must prioritise people who use drugs to achieve our #hepatitis elimination goals

This is my thread 🧵 ⬇️ 1/

#CND2020 #CND63 #SDG3.3 #HepFreeFuture Image Globally:
- 11.3 million people inject drugs
- 48.5% #hepatitisC prevalence
- More than half of the 585,000 people whose deaths were drug related were due to #hepC

@UNODC_HIV #CND2020 #CND63 #HepFreeFuture #NoHep

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