CryptoCat Profile picture
"Life is just a sequence of decisions and their consequences. Choose wisely." Recovering crypto market maker
Sep 29, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Brief #Macro thought: 1) As interest rates remained near zero during much of the past decade, the TINA (There is No Alternative) thesis supported equity valuations. In this environment, asset managers were forced to invest far out on the risk curve, which supported #NASDAQ and #crypto.
Sep 29, 2022 22 tweets 7 min read
A lengthy thread on $ATOM 2.0 #Tokenomics and why I am concerned. This commentary is the perspective of a long-term #ATOM holder, and my hope is that this thread will spark a vibrant, honest discussion in the #CosmosEcosystem and the broader #crypto community. 1) First, a brief history. The Cosmos team, led by Ethan and Jae, raised ETH and BTC in 2017 to support the development of an “Internet of Blockchains’ vision. Token sales were conducted privately and publicly via a 2017 ICO managed by the Interchain Foundation (ICF).