How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App wrote about Azov's history in 2022: first screenshot is from here. Am I being unfair to Hobbes in particular? Nah, he routinely smears and lies, as I think I conclusively documented here (& no this isn't personal - if he's ever attacked me I'm not aware of it. he blocked me after this piece) few years ago some nice folks from my condo complex banded together to block a low-cost housing development about a mile away. The flyer they sent out was just dripping with an "oh noes! *those people's* kids are gonna sneak in to play on our basketball court!" mentality there'a a major corporate memo encouraging employees to state pronouns and practice gender-neutral pronouns at home so they feel natural? LOL who cares! thing is, there really is a complicated history here that doesn't place the Founders in a particularly good light. All the evidence shows that they understood slavery to be deeply immoral & incompatible with the principles of freedom they espoused., he thinks it's bad that we tried to promote basic human rights that are contrary to "traditional Afghan society," like female education or female judges. He also thinks it's gonna make Muslims hate us everywhere. (#ProTip: almost 20% of judges in Pakistan are women.) said, there's no way AP would have hired a student who had been active in, say, a pro-Trump or anti-abortion group in college, so there's that. we see here is a young lawyer, Ranse Stoddard (Jimmy Stewart -- not exactly *young* here, but he's supposed to be), taking shooting lessons from rancher Tom Doniphon (John Wayne) to fight back against the thug Liberty Valance (Lee Marvin), who has robbed & humiliated him.