Official Twitter account of Bank of Jamaica (BOJ), Jamaica's central bank. BOJ is both monetary policy authority and regulator of deposit-taking institutions.
Jun 24, 2021 • 20 tweets • 7 min read
We’re baaack!
#BOJSpeaks #FinanceTwitterJa 🧵
2: Oh, boy…it’s been a strange and really busy time with many things going on all at once, so please bear with us!
Mar 19, 2021 • 8 tweets • 4 min read
BOJ's focus on inflation targeting and management of the FX market both have a context, and that context, as we have explained before, is the ongoing economic reform programme supported by both political parties and built on the sacrifice of the Jamaican people: 🧵 #BOJSpeaks2. It is the existence of that economic reform programme - fiscal discipline, a flexible exchange rate, inflation targeting, and all - that provides the economic resilience to ensure that the pain of 1 year of COVID-19 and counting is not a hundred times worse. #FinanceTwitterJA
Dec 1, 2020 • 31 tweets • 12 min read
We’re baaack!
#BOJSpeaks #FinanceTwitterJA 🧵 2. Yes, it’s been a minute since our last inflation thread, there’s a lot to catch up on, and we’re sorry it’s been so long, but oh, boy…what can we say? It’s been a strange and hectic year, and like our friends at @rocketshipja would tell you, it’s been a case of:
Aug 13, 2020 • 28 tweets • 10 min read
Presenting....the ultimate lowdown on inflation, via a Western movie-themed yarn featuring Croc. O. Doyle in his debut acting role as the new Sheriff in town...enjoy! #BOJSpeaks#FinanceTwitterJA2. Artistically, the story borrows from and pays parody homage to the spaghetti western film genre, which partially inspired Jamaica’s own global cult classic film, The Harder They Come, and spaghetti western-inspired video games like the Red Dead series.
Jul 28, 2020 • 13 tweets • 5 min read
We’re baaack! #BOJSpeaks#FinanceTwitterJA 🧵 2. Yes, COVID-19 stalled STATIN for a bit, delaying the inflation data, but in any case, we also thought it would be in poor taste to keep going on about inflation in the early throes of a pandemic. But now STATIN is back and we’re in economic recovery mode, so here we are.
Jul 27, 2020 • 17 tweets • 6 min read
BOJ invites comments on its recently published discussion paper on Macroprudential Policy Tools. The paper discusses macroprudential policy and effective implementation. This thread highlights the paper; for full details, read it here: #BOJSpeaks 🧵 2. Macroprudential policy entails the use of prudential actions to contain systemic risks, that if realized, would cause widespread implications for the overall financial system and the real economy. #FinanceTwitter
May 12, 2020 • 30 tweets • 11 min read
On Thursday May 7, 2020, BOJ held a virtual press conference to update local and some regional journalists on the recently announced FINTECH Regulatory Sandbox. #BOJSpeaks#FinanceTwitterJA 🧵 2. The press conference was addressed by Governor Byles, Deputy Governor in charge of Banking and Currency Operations and Financial Markets Infrastructure, Mrs. Natalie Haynes, and also the Director-General of Jamaica’s Office of Utilities Regulation (OUR), Mr. Ansord Hewitt.
Apr 12, 2020 • 15 tweets • 5 min read
Yes, we know it’s been a rather strange Easter weekend for most of us this year…. #BOJSpeaks 🧵 2. (Apart from the long-time introverts wondering what all the fuss is all about)
Apr 9, 2020 • 22 tweets • 8 min read
On Thursday, 02 April 2020, BOJ announced that effective Monday 06 April, 2020, it was prematurely terminating its 19 March 2020 offer to purchase GOJ instruments and redeem BOJ instruments early. Offers were accepted up to Friday, 03 April, 2020. #BOJSpeaks#FinanceTwitterJa 🧵 2. The offer was originally extended until 30 June 2020.
Mar 21, 2020 • 32 tweets • 12 min read
We should all do our best to stay safe and minimize the potential impact of #COVID19, which reminds us that despite the best-laid plans or intentions, bad things will still happen, and economies will at some point have to face a crisis or few. #BOJSpeaks#FinanceTwitterJA2. This is but one of the very critical reasons why prudent fiscal and monetary policies are so important, and why Jamaica’s ongoing economic reform programme – across both political administrations – was and is so very important.
Feb 13, 2020 • 18 tweets • 9 min read
You’ve seen our Twitter year in review, complete with “brawta,” but a question remains that’s even more relevant now, with Valentine’s Day love in the air – what were our top tweets for 2019? Which ones got your attention more and to which did you show the most love? #BOJSpeaks🧵 2. Ladies and gentlemen, kings and queens, presenting....our top 10 tweets for 2019....*Drumroll* Are you ready for it? (Stats up to 31 December 2019.)
Feb 1, 2020 • 27 tweets • 23 min read
As typically reserved central bankers, we’d be content to just let these milestones pass, but the truth is that it’s not really about us, after all – it’s about you, our followers. Our success is yours, so for all our success since inception and in 2019, THANK YOU! #BOJSpeaks 🧵 2. It wouldn’t be a central bank review bank without some statistics – you know you want it! 😉😇 So here goes - the great blue whale of central bank Twitter is @bank_indonesia, with nearly 700,000 followers. However, in relation to a 264 million population, that’s barely 0.27%.
Jan 30, 2020 • 9 tweets • 4 min read
The December 2019 inflation numbers are a bit hard to swallow, but the good news is that December’s inflation does NOT represent a trend, but instead a temporary spike that we expect to soon recede. #BOJSpeaks#FinanceTwitterJa 🧵 2. There is also a context. The biggest reason for the spike in year-over-year inflation in December 2019 is the continued impact of the November 2019 shock to agriculture, highlighted in the hike in vegetable prices, which proved a bit more persistent than BOJ expected.
Jan 11, 2020 • 13 tweets • 5 min read
Thanks for the question, @arunjhawarIndia. Firstly, the late great JM Keynes was not a central banker and especially since his theories are perhaps better suited to fiscal policy and the broader view of political directorates, Keynesian economics is no mantra for central banks.🧵
2. Secondly, the idea that central banks should have growth as either a single mandate or part of multiple mandates, as opposed to a primary focus on price stability, is a somewhat outdated concept that has been at the root of several economic crises across the world.
Dec 26, 2019 • 14 tweets • 9 min read
With all of the gift-related and other shopping usually involved, the holiday season is actually a very good time of year to remember the merits of inflation that's predictably stable and neither too high or too low. 🧵#BOJSpeaks#LowStablePredictable#nottoohighnottoolow2. What better time of year, then, to have a friendly elf braving Christmas season traffic and a bit of rain to spread some Christmas cheer, along with token BOJ reminders of the inflation message? Oh, you thought only Santa had elves?
Dec 7, 2019 • 25 tweets • 11 min read
With crocodiles in the news of late, it's a good time to be reminded that while Agent Croc O. Doyle is a rare individual, office job and all, other crocodiles aren't as sophisticated. 🤓 Regular Jamaican crocodiles do, however, enjoy special status in several ways. #BOJSpeaks 🧵 2. DNA tells us that crocodiles are among the world's oldest living creatures and provide a rare link to the planet's past, since they coexisted with dinosaurs. The crocodile perhaps survived this long because it has no natural predators and hence sits atop the food chain...
Nov 12, 2019 • 30 tweets • 7 min read
A temporary shortage in the FX market does not necessarily mean a FX shortage for the country/economy. #BOJSpeaks#FinanceTwitterJa A THREAD 🧵
Part 2
After accounting for FDI financing of imports, the Balance of Payments shows that since FY2015/1, Jamaica has roughly been earning as much as we spend. There can be no national shortage unless that big picture changes.