How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App, there is no such thing as 'considerable high seas corridor' in the Taiwan Strait. In the past, part of the EEZ might have been considered 'high seas', but not any more under the UNCLOS (perhaps one of the reasons why the US refuses to ratify it). effect, you don't have to be someone from the US State Department to get hold of this prized 'document'. Nor do you have to be a cyber expert to verify 'the authenticity of the paper.' Anyone can 'locate its genesis on the Chinese internet'. If you want a hard copy,"China has an overall goal... to become the leading country in the world, the wealthiest country in the world, and the most powerful country in the world. That’s not going to happen on my watch" Joe Biden…"Estimates are that at least 350,000 tons of live bombs and mines remain in Vietnam, and that it will take 300 years to clear them from the Vietnamese landscape at the current rate." "For the Vietnamese, the war continues. far as I can see, the 'China's assertiveness' narrative (a gentler, easier-to-swallow version of the previous 'China threat' narrative) was designed to create fear (of China) and division in the region, fear and division which was largely absent there until roughly 2009-2010. Irving: "while there was doubt about the meaning of citizenship when Australia federated, there was one certainty amidst the doubt and that was that Australian citizens were not going to be Chinese. The Immigration insisting that one's own is peaceful whereas the other is completely offensive is just disingenuous. However, 'at least in Asia' (let's be honest, mostly on China's 'doorsteps'), doesn't China have a slightly more credible case than the US when it claims to be defensive?'Chinese Exclusion 2.0' now seems to sweep across the Five-Eyes countries. By coincidence or by design, the five countries were also known for their Chinese exclusion legislations and poll tax policies. Then as now Australia was the canary in the (gold) mine and led the way. words struck me at the time & I thought: Wow! That just sent an interesting message both to Beijing and its opponents in Xinjiang. Back then I had a gut feeling that this wouldn't augur well for Xinjiang. Within 15 days Kashgar attacks and Kuqa sucide bombing occurred., the Googlisation of China studies is THE best & most groundbreaking paradigm shift in the field's history, ever. Wannabe even more cutting-edge? Remember Google Maps? No Chinese language skills, no problem! Google Translate just a click away. What are you waiting for?“One of the things we’re trying to do is view the China threat as not just a whole-of-government threat, but a whole-of-society threat on their end.” FBI Director Christopher Wray.…