Chicago DSA 🌹 Profile picture
We’re the Chicago chapter of the @DemSocialists | Media Requests:
Jul 3, 2024 17 tweets 4 min read
The Democratic National Convention is in seven weeks. Workers need to take action. 🧵 Image President Biden has signed off on billions to fund Israel’s genocide in Gaza. We will not stand by and continue to let war crimes be funded on our dime. Nor will we stand by and let Democrats hand the election to Trump because they refuse to move an inch on Israel.
Sep 15, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
It's not enough to interpret the world. We have to fight to change it.

That's why we have A LOT of different actions socialists in Chicago can take this weekend to advance the class struggle.🧵 On Friday night, join our local Green New Deal for Public Schools campaign for a phonebanking session. There's both an in-person and virtual option for this event. RSVP:…
May 4, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
On this day 135 years ago, Chicago Anarchists called for a rally a day after police shot into a crowd of striking workers, killing at least two. After multiple speakers addressed the crowd, connecting the recent police violence with the fight for an 8 hour work day, a large police force marched in formation towards the action, escalating what was a peaceful gathering of laborers and organizers as it was dispersing. Shortly after police arrive, a bomb was thrown into the crowd, causing 12 fatalities including 4 workers.
Apr 7, 2021 27 tweets 5 min read
Our eighth semester of Socialist Night School starts tomorrow! To explore the question ‘why the working class?’ we're reading excerpts from the Communist Manifesto and Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor's From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation.

🧵A few key points from the readings: Image In the Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels write that "the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles".
Mar 11, 2021 4 tweets 4 min read
The #WaterForAllChi ordinance was introduced in City Council in January. This ordinance would codify accessible, equitable, and publicly owned-water water service as a human right in Chicago. Tell @chicagosmayor and City Council to support this ordinance! ImageImage #WaterForAllChi would 1) make water affordable for low-income people, 2) ban water privatization, 3) ban tax liens and water service shutoffs, 4) ensure equity in water infrastructure funding distribution, & 5) share monthly data on water shutoffs, liens, and debt from 2010 on. Image
Feb 2, 2021 12 tweets 8 min read
Any plan to reopen that doesn’t include the opinion of @CTULocal1 or rank-and-file @SEIU73 workers is not one that is bargained in good faith. @ChicagosMayor and @ChiPubSchools need to listen to the voices of teachers and staff! #SafeReturnOrNoReturn Although nearly 80% of CPS students are Black and brown, the vast majority of students requesting in-person learning are white and affluent. Exposing teachers and students of color to a deadly virus that has decimated these communities is inhumane #MakeItMakeSense
Nov 24, 2020 131 tweets 12 min read
City council live thread 🧵. Watch here:… Meeting called to order.
Nov 24, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Today, 700 Black and brown nursing home workers from 11 Infinity nursing home facilities, where 160 workers and residents have died from COVID, are going on strike. The workers are demanding hazard pay, adequate staffing, PPE, and a living wage so that workers are not forced to work multiple jobs and risk spreading the virus. Though Infinity Nursing Homes received almost $13 Million in COVID funding, management has refused to prioritize patient care and workers before profits. These workers are standing up for themselves and saying enough is enough!
Nov 23, 2020 35 tweets 3 min read
City council live thread🧵. Watch here:… Meeting called to order.
May 31, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
Here is Chicago DSA’s statement denouncing Mayor Lori Lightfoot and the Chicago Police Department's handling of yesterday's protests which put more than a thousand lives at risk. We demand that those held in custody for involvement in protests be immediately released. 1/ Mayor Lightfoot and the Chicago Police Department’s response to the protests in the wake of
George Floyd’s murder has been brutally violent, repressive, and demonstrated an extreme
disregard for human life and the right to assembly.
Apr 30, 2020 9 tweets 4 min read
Yesterday, Mayor Lightfoot let landlords and banks take an unenforceable "Solidarity Pledge" while renters live in fear. We did a little research. Come meet the team of banks and landlords Lightfoot trusts with your housing (and the donations they made to ensure this outcome) 1/9 Lightfoot looking at The only Alderman Lightfoot could find to stand with her is Harry Osterman, the Real Estate and Housing Chair. He's bought and paid for, so he let the banks and landlords write their own pledge, instead of standing up for working people and legislating. Alderman Harry Osterman. Cashed 47 real estate checks in last 2 years, including from Chicagoland Apartment Association standing right next to him.