Skola Profile picture
Human, skeptic, strategist | Civil & Business Engineer | #Humor #TruthAndLove #MUFC
Aug 2, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
The dwindling basic intelligence of the Nigerian masses is a tad saddening, owing to a continuous disregard of education and learning. Pains to see a WAEC candidate not knowing what 5 times 5 gives. Like, fr?? These were the things we learnt in primary school! Who's to blame? In both rural and urban areas, we literally have youths who don't give a rat-ass about studying, or are highly disadvantaged in terms of environment, funding and/or orientation to work-life. "School na sc@m", they say. "Better learn work instead of ending up a jobless graduate".
Dec 2, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Lol today, I overheard a man passing on the road holding his two lil kids on both sides and singing to/with them a familiar primary school rhyme:

If you do good, kingdom
Ooh ooh kingdom
Ooh ooh
Kingdom waiting for you
But if you do bad… (the man come be like: 😂👇🏼) Iron kwandem, ooh ooh
Pure water seller, ooh ooh
Shoe maker waiting for you

Inasmuch as the dad’s lines came off to me as pretty hilarious but, in hindsight, I became sad cos in actuality, it was/is a pretty mean, vain and insensitive thing to teach these premature minds.
Oct 23, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
Instead of ‘wasting’ your last 400k-1m+ in the name of acquiring a post graduate degree in a Nigerian (public) institution, here are 5 other ways you can ‘waste’ your naira better:

1. Start/Learn a trade/skill
2. Write/Ghostwrite a book
3. Give it to charity 💀
4. Invest
5. Save In a bit…

First of all, why do people go ahead to further their education with a diploma, master’s or doctorate degree?

> My father used to tell us that having a degree certificate is, as it were, a ‘meal ticket’. At least it was to him and his generation, apparently.👍🏽
Sep 28, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Man or woman, nothing feels worse than when it seems as if someone only cares about your money.👀

It’s annoying fr. Like the haggard beggar at the roadside or park who accosts you. They want just one thing from you: 💰.

And so do a lot of business out there.

(A thread)👇🏼 If you’ve experienced being sold to in a pushy, sleazy way, I’m sure it’s quite often an unpleasant experience.

As a unique, normal human being who is your potential customer, here are 3 important things I’d be expecting before ever considering to let you part with my money.👇🏼
Aug 1, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
Or what if the “Chi” in most of our Igbo names is not actually the monotheistic Christian God, as we’ve been made to believe, but the Sun ☀️? 🤔 When we greet: “i boola chi?” or “chi aboola!”, it literally means “have you woken up to a new day?” or “it’s dawn!” Dawn (the sun) marks the beginning of a new day.
May 20, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
I think Nollywood is trying and improving with the kinda quality movies we’ve been seeing since the last 5-10yrs. Gangs of Lagos, Brotherhood, Rattlesnake: The Aham Story, King of Boys, Blood Sisters, etc… Great acting, sleek visuals and believable storylines, to say the least. Image If you ask me, I think also that perhaps it’s high time we ventured into animation/fantasy films as well, with epic storytelling and likable stock characters that have the capability to blossom into cult-like followings and household names among both adults and children alike.
May 16, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
For the most part, the way blues & pop albums trigger emotions in listeners is the same way religious (Christian) (worship) songs trigger emotions in their target audience. It is not the Holy Spirit at work, but your pastorpreneur getting you “in tune” for seamless programming. Have you ever wondered why praise and worship sessions are ALWAYS held BEFORE church sermon and/or the almighty OFFERING TIME? 🤔😃
May 14, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
It actually takes a good and kindhearted/understanding woman to contribute/support FINANCIALLY in the upkeep/welfare of the home and kids, AND NOT MAKE A FUSS out of it, especially if she earns as much as or even more than her man.

I’ll explain. For starters, of course, the man gats appreciate/merit the ‘favor’ for her not to make a fuss about it.

‘Favor’, in the sense that, traditionally it’s the man’s gender role to PROVIDE, PROTECT, and DIRECT the home.

Often, a man’s ‘qualification’ to do the last two hinges on…
Apr 21, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
There are usernames on Twitter that have literally been inactive for up to a decade now. Who knows, the owners might be dead, details irretrievably forgotten, or they permanently abandoned their account.

(This certainly doesn’t reflect the true number of active Twitter users.) Such usernames could be wanted/desired by someone else in the present day who, however, can’t claim such. So, I’m thinking aloud here: Why not @Twitter treat our usernames like, say, web domains/URLs that can be reserved and/or purchased/sold for a premium?
Apr 19, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
What 3 things would make me believe in my nation’s government? 🤔

1. Rule of law: APC at the top has failed Nigerians unprecedentedly in this wise: impunity, segregation, etc. Where there’s no unity and justice, or faith/trust in the system, how can there be peace & progress? 2. Lean government: Excessive running costs of ‘governance’. We’ve made Nigerian politics so lucrative/attractive that people can’t think outside the box to create value and use our limited resources sustainably. If FAANG companies can layoff staff to cut down running costs,
Apr 13, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Some people actually had given up on their marriages but only chose to stay/live together just cos of the kids.

Respect ✊🏽 More than you believe, every child deserves some form of emotional stability which comes from a balance of both masculine and feminine parental energies during their formative years. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
Mar 27, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Jsyk, some people are/remain poor in 🇳🇬 not only because of the fallout of bad governance but because they refused to compromise their strong life-guiding principles and values no matter what.

Yes, some people literally refused to do yahoo, hookup, bootlick politicians, forge figures and inflate contracts, rob a bank/shop/home, do ritual, etc. and have stood by such decisions no matter what.

Mar 23, 2023 13 tweets 4 min read
#TBT: On a courtesy call to renowned Yoruba political figure, former SGF to IBB administration, and former Finance Minister, Chief Olu Falae @ his Ilu-Abo palace, Akure North. 🙌🏽 (March 2018)

Chai, otONDO like me that year wey carry PCDS project for head. 😭🤦🏽‍♂️

#NYSC_Ondo Chief Falae gave me the sum of N20,000 cash as support for the ‘free’ community computer appreciation training I delivered to his constituents during my service year there.

The govt. schools in the community (1 pry, 1 sec) had ZERO computers for learning purposes. 💻
Mar 15, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
The power of influence is far greater than the power of money imo. Both influence and money are not mutually exclusive tho. Yes, with💰, you can influence ppl’s actions, but there’s a level of influence you’d possess over a group which can’t be undermined by a rival with more💰. This is why, in areas like politics, business and entertainment, influencer marketing will continue to be a hot cake till tomorrow.

For instance, someone like Dangote may be the richest in the country but won’t be able to, on his own, influence 1m people to, say, sit at home.
Mar 14, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
The high point of marketing has always been making someone else believe that they actually have a ‘problem’ (which they probably don’t), and to get them to use your own ‘solution’ for their real or imagined problem.

This is applicable in all spheres of life, including religion. Religion marketers (televangelists, streetvangelists, busvangelists and pastorpreneurs) wanna make us believe that somehow, by no fault of ours, we as humans have a ‘problem’—SIN. And that it’s only their own brand of religion that holds the power to solve our so-called problem.
Feb 20, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
No person in a position of authority enjoys their authority being undermined by those they lead, and Product Managers are no different. This is one of the issues you get to face by having “superstars” on your dev team. The PM role is like that of a football team coach, and just as in football, good man management skill is of essence if you must have good results and meet corporate goals/KPIs during the product development process (PDP).
Feb 18, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
But why’s it that most IPOBians on social media are usually faceless people? 🤔👀 Freedom fighting is one thing, terrorism and rabble rousing are another.
Jan 15, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Wow just getting to know that the late Major Gen. Philip Effiong (Ojukwu’s 2nd-in-command during the Biafran War, who’d signed the peace treaty with Gowon) was friends with and used to visit my paternal grand-uncle Sir Philip Nkwocha of blessed memory.

#ArmedForcesRemembranceDay Didn’t get to have a much personal experience with Ndaa Philip Uwaezuoke Nkwocha (was quite a kid when he died about 2007), but he had a reputation as an astute academic (one of the pioneers in my community of origin) and Director, Sunray Publications, Port Harcourt.
Dec 27, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
On a norms, no Nigerian man would ever wish for his daughter to ‘go wayward’ (i.e. start h0eing around for money and favors from the—older—opposite sex) especially during her teens (and probably early twenties)… Yet, some of these men are the same that string along these ‘little girls’ with cash and gifts/treats just to bed them and add to their bouquet of ‘female conquests’ a.k.a ‘chicken poultry’.

Mr Man, are you forgetting that that little chick is actually another man’s daughter?
Dec 24, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
If you ‘help’ someone in the way they don’t want/need to be helped (which you ignorantly or arrogantly assume they do), does it also count as help?

Is there anything like ‘useless help’?🤔 He who wears the shoe knows where it pinches him. If he tells you it hurts at the ankle and you assume (and insist) it hurts at the little toe, you might end up providing cure to the assumed toe pain, while the real pain still remains.
Dec 10, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
*Skeptic Corner* 🤔

Humans are NOT monogamous in nature.

Monogamy (sense 1: having only one mate for a lifetime), I believe, is a social construct, and as an offshoot of organized monotheistic religion, another means of exerting control on the human self. The average human being is characterized by this thing called DESIRE—yunno, human wants are insatiable (Economics 101). For some, this desire could be freedom to explore and do whatever one wants or feels. However, unbridled desire breeds lawlessness, hence the need for laws.