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A great public service to have a doctor on Monday's @JeremyVineOn5. 👍
🤔 Or was it?
JV introduces "a great doctor"... @drdavidbull.
2/8 In what galaxy is Mr Bull a 'great doctor'?
Maybe he was 25 years ago- the last time he worked in the #NHS.
Since he gave up (& after we'd paid the entirety of his 6+ yrs medical training), he's been a model, a 'TV doctor' & a property speculator. 💰
Oct 15, 2019 • 9 tweets • 4 min read
On 24/6/16 Corbyn beat the most rabid Brexiters to demand that.....
"Article 50 has to be invoked now" 1/
But once the dust had settled, Corbyn was seemingly quite happy for May to dictate (🤔) her route to Brexit, with no input from anyone else.
It was Gina Miller, (ie not Corbyn) that ensured Parliament at least had the opportunity, to discuss Brexit. 2/ ⤵️
Sep 10, 2019 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
Today is the first anniversary of something quite odd.
From 24/7/18, 650 MP's had exactly 6 weeks holiday to consider the fact that VoteLeave were proven (on 17/7/18), to have broken the law, and how to answer the public petition- 'Withdraw A50 if VoteLeave broke the Law' 1/
This wasn't just 'lying', or 'overspending'- it was data-mining, hacking the details of 7M FB a/c's and targeting them with 1,500,000,000 anti-EU ads. Lies, as it happens.
This, ⬆️ is a fact.
Have a gander. ⤵️