Squire Chris Mousse 🇪🇺 🕷🐟 Profile picture
Woke 🤗 Veggie🌱 Animals🐾 🐕 #AllRefugeesWelcome #EU. Ultra-Remainer. Coffee/Nuts but mainly Tofu. #MotoGP🏍💨 #NHS 💙 @ChrisMousse3@Mastodon.sdf.org
Mar 7, 2020 8 tweets 5 min read
Thread 1/8
A great public service to have a doctor on Monday's @JeremyVineOn5. 👍

🤔 Or was it?
JV introduces "a great doctor"...

In what galaxy is Mr Bull a 'great doctor'?
Maybe he was 25 years ago- the last time he worked in the #NHS.
Since he gave up (& after we'd paid the entirety of his 6+ yrs medical training), he's been a model, a 'TV doctor' & a property speculator. 💰
Oct 15, 2019 9 tweets 4 min read
On 24/6/16 Corbyn beat the most rabid Brexiters to demand that.....
"Article 50 has to be invoked now"
But once the dust had settled, Corbyn was seemingly quite happy for May to dictate (🤔) her route to Brexit, with no input from anyone else.
It was Gina Miller, (ie not Corbyn) that ensured Parliament at least had the opportunity, to discuss Brexit.
Sep 10, 2019 6 tweets 3 min read
Today is the first anniversary of something quite odd.
From 24/7/18, 650 MP's had exactly 6 weeks holiday to consider the fact that VoteLeave were proven (on 17/7/18), to have broken the law, and how to answer the public petition- 'Withdraw A50 if VoteLeave broke the Law'
1/ This wasn't just 'lying', or 'overspending'- it was data-mining, hacking the details of 7M FB a/c's and targeting them with 1,500,000,000 anti-EU ads. Lies, as it happens.
This, ⬆️ is a fact.
Have a gander. ⤵️
