Chris Ihidero Profile picture
Writer. Director. Producer.
Apr 19, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
Dear Content Making Friend, may I share a word, or two?

Worry less about the things you consider obstacles standing in the way of your progress today. Don’t worry about the distributors or exhibitors who you think are not giving you a fair chance. A PayTV platform didn’t commission you/your idea? Don’t worry. A steaming platform didn’t take your film or TV series. I’m sorry that happens and I acknowledge that you have concerns re ROI, but please don’t worry too much.
Aug 14, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
You want to know how Nigeria kills you? Here's a summary:

Those Ikorodu Bois have been churning out great content for a while now. They are getting due attention. It's been tough; you can see the struggle in their videos. But they keep going on. No Nigerian government, federal or state, has offered them any help. No Nigerian government agency has offered them any worthy assistance. They have been left to bear their burden all on their own.
Jun 20, 2020 15 tweets 5 min read
So, we need animator and director.

She's in talks with some people in the abroad. When I see budget I ran four forty! 😳😳😳

Madam, I said, where is this morning coming from?

Make e nor be say dem wan take me do money laundering.

I had done due diligence, she's legit. So I said, why don't we do the animation here? SURELY, there must be Nigerians in that field doing great work, abi?

We start the search. She remembers she had spoken to one guy to direct but chat didn't go well at contract level.

Give me his number.
Jan 14, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
General answers to a question I get asked all the time:
How do you write a great film story?

a) Create a constantly fascinating character that has a weakness he/she is unaware of. That's your HERO
b) Create another even more constantly fascinating character with a... a determined view on how the world should be. This view should be in contrast with how your HERO sees the world. This is your VILLAIN, or OPPONENT, as I prefer to call him/her.
c) Create a support cast of characters, make each one the hero of their story.