Christina Buelow Profile picture
Coastal ecologist navigating spaces where land meets sea | Research Fellow @globalwetlands | @GriffithARI | Views my own
Oct 26, 2021 41 tweets 10 min read
Did you miss out on the #first live session of the #coastal #wetlands twitter conference? #CWTC21

Don’t worry - you can catch up at your own leisure ➡️check out the presentations in thread below 👇, hosted by @globalwetlands
Oct 23, 2021 25 tweets 7 min read
Do you like #coastal #wetlands? #mangroves #seagrass #saltmarsh

Only a couple of days before #CWTC21 kicks off - Oct 26 - live twitter conference

Join and ask questions - anyone can!

Check-out some amazing speakers lined up below 👇

Full program here: