Rachael Coakley, PhD Profile picture
Peds pain psychologist @bostonchildrens, Author of When Your Child Hurts, Director of @thecomfability, Teaching kids and parents how to manage chronic pain
Sep 1, 2022 9 tweets 9 min read
I'm so proud of this gorgeous, inspiring, short film. In honor of #PainAwarenessMonth do yourself a BIG favor and take a few min this morning to watch. @BostonChildrens @takecareus @TheComfAbility #PainCounts
takecare.org/inspiration/fi… @TheComfAbility made this in collaboration with the @takecareus, a non-profit healthcare initiative that pairs award-winning filmmakers with healthcare leaders to flip the script on how we talk about health. @maydayfund @US_ASP @US_Pain #ChronicPain #chronicillness #Pediatrics
Mar 5, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
As a peds pain psychologist, want to know how I prep my own medically hyper vigilant son for oral surgery @BostonChildrens??? 1) One day ahead: make a coping plan and empower him. Recall together some recent times when he used his deep breathing skills and positive self talk for success (remember how you relaxed & used your brave thinking for the flu shot and it was easier than you thought it would be?)