Cole Walmsley Profile picture
Skipped college and drove 750 miles away to move in with two roommates I met off Craigslist. #Bitcoin is infinitely better than you can imagine. ∞/21m
Apr 18 26 tweets 5 min read
Because some people think that $10 million for the price of one bitcoin is ludicrous...

It's time for a thread.

$100 million for the price of one #Bitcoin is a MASSIVELY conservative estimate.

Here's how:Image Current global wealth is measured at ~$900 trillion.

@Croesus_BTC Image
Jan 15 25 tweets 10 min read
How Adolf Hitler really came to power.

They don't teach you this in school.

(THREAD)Image Adolf Hitler’s rise to power in 1933 has been blamed on a myriad of happenings and events, including the collapse of the Second Reich, the Weimar Republic, Weimar hyperinflation, political and economic strife, the Great Depression, the Treaty of Versailles, and a loss of Germanic pride and nationalism.
Apr 30, 2023 24 tweets 16 min read
$100 million for the price of one #Bitcoin is a MASSIVELY conservative estimate.

Here’s how:

(THREAD) Image Current global wealth is measured at ~$900 trillion. Image
Mar 30, 2023 45 tweets 17 min read
Every asset trends toward ZERO against #Bitcoin over time.

This is by design.

(THREAD) In the year 2000, you had to pay $0.10 for EACH text message you sent.

Today, with the development of smartphones and messaging apps, many people are able to send UNLIMITED text messages for FREE using internet-based messaging platforms.