Lee Constable πŸ”₯ Profile picture
Presenter. Sci+Climate Edutainer. Research communicator. Constantly babbling! Sciencey Drag King. She/TheyπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ
Apr 10, 2021 β€’ 6 tweets β€’ 2 min read
I have a science and science communication background but I don't think science is the only discipline that deserves specialist communication.

So many fields are complex and have public implications and should be effectively communicated. There is a lot of overlap in skills too. Climate communication, for example, is a large part of my work. But climate science is a small part of the complexity that I communicate in that work. Cli comms is not a subset of sci comm. I am communicating a Venn diagram of sci, humanities, ethics, policy, politics, justice...
Apr 9, 2021 β€’ 5 tweets β€’ 2 min read
Yesterday's vaccine announcement is the like being in the only eatery on an island with no other access to food and having them tell you "This is all we serve. Here is the extremely small likelihood of food poisoning. We actually recommend the burger available on other islands." Like I don't want food poisoning. I know that food poisoning will, in some cases kill a person. But also, starvation sucks and as much as I want that burger, it's not available to me.

So... you ordering in a supply of those burgers or... should I just eat what you have?
Jul 11, 2020 β€’ 12 tweets β€’ 3 min read
I really want to be right! As in correct.

But as there will definitely be times when I am wrong, I am trying to also strive and yearn with the same intensity to be gracious and teachable. And to make it easier for others to tell me I am wrong and for me to listen, see and act. Being teachable does not mean I will assume that I am wrong in every instance and just because someone tells me I am wrong.

There are times when I will need to remain resolute because they are the ones who need to be teachable and not me.

I hope to distinguish which is which.
Apr 19, 2020 β€’ 31 tweets β€’ 16 min read
Hi! Is this thing on?πŸŽ™I'm Lee and I'm a freelance TV Presenter and science media creative!

I thought I'd (re)intro myself to the twittersphere. Hopefully this will tell you about some of my adventures you weren't aware of! Some you might even be keen to join me or work with me! When you tell people you are a science TV Presenter (or a TV Presenter of any kind!) they often want to know HOW DID YOU GET THERE?

There is no one path into what I do and I have seen people come into TV and other screen work from so many walks of life!

I'll tell you my story!
Apr 2, 2020 β€’ 11 tweets β€’ 1 min read
What if every person was only allowed to own one house? What if fines were proportional to your income and assets?
Feb 16, 2019 β€’ 20 tweets β€’ 5 min read
Scicomm researcher: The fact is that telling people more facts doesn't change their mind.

Scicommer: Ok... But I think this piece I'm writing to debunk pseudoscience will help.


#scicomm I'm a scicommer with much respect for both scicomm researchers and fellow scicommers. It's ok for us to laugh at ourselves everyone!

Don't come here to get defensive about your piece that debunks pseudoscience please πŸ˜‚ or do! Up to you mate 😘
Dec 11, 2018 β€’ 5 tweets β€’ 1 min read
When using images in the show (especially microscope images) I often avoid using the stock image account because the labeling is terribly inaccurate and unreliable.

Eg. Image of a virus has keywords: food, cell, cell division, virus (no mention of type, scale, method) Inaccurate keywords on scientific images in stock accounts contributes to why journos without scientific training get it wrong when selecting images for science stories.