How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App the Trump years where Miller dominated this policy portfolio, this approach is more like the ones we saw in the Obama and Bush years. As a result, there is no "singular voice" among immigration staffers who can make a unilateral decision in response to pressure campaigns something I wonder is the extent to which this litigation also aimed to push the admin in a direction where it either lost support from advocacy groups or face a situation where it’s held in contempt of the court if it didn’t sufficiently revive MPP for an antagonistic court are a few that are worth reading. I just worked on this @TheBushCenter white paper on smart border policy earlier this year that not only proposes a regional migration management plan, but metrics for assessing its success… thing that struck me about the law's prior passage in the House was the way Members' commitments to the agricultural sector, which cover a large number of House districts, increased bipartisan buy-in into the law. Support from growers, UFW, and advocates helped get it passed plan slowed down migration to the EU. However, its viability came into question in 2020 as the terms of the deal weren't being implemented - including issues over payments to Turkey to support it - which created significant frustrations for Turkey… a thought exercise, imagine if the financial problems plaguing USCIS hit the IRS. There's no doubt that the public and Congress would push to address the issue and examine why the agency went into deep debt because it would impact a broader swath of the American public memo accomplishes this goal in three ways. First it applies the INA’s definition of residency for naturalization, which is an individual’s dwelling, to the process of granting non-citizen children access to citizenship through derivation