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जितना प्राप्त है, उतना ही पर्याप्त है. love #onefund, love #cricket
Dec 14, 2024 55 tweets 14 min read

Some notes 1/n

#boringfund #onefund

Same old, same things , no excitement no thrill in investing

Neil P. starts by talking about same old law of farm , no new fund in the near future, don't understand <>don't invest philosophy .

Neil mentions 2 flexicap and 1 index is more than enough , more schemes are detrimental.Image 2/n

#cash is a feature not a bug

i personally love cash feature. lesser returns are fine but taking care of volatality is my preferred way. Image
Feb 21, 2024 14 tweets 3 min read
A thread on Dynamic asset allocation fund & the confusing nature of this category. These are thoughts and may have incorrect information (not an advisor) but the attempt here is to understand this category a bit more and the challenges I see

Also information on #PPFAS DAAF

Some Basics

All of these DAAF or BAAF or conservative Word etc etc belong to the HYBRID fund category. As the name suggests, this will be a potpourri of Equity, Debt, Reits, and Commodities like Gold/ Silver.

Here is SEBI's definition of categories

2/n Image
Nov 12, 2022 68 tweets 15 min read
PPFAS agm2022

A thread

*Views are personal. Retweet if you like. Mute if you don't like. ;)

#onefund #ppfas Neil, talks about value of cash and how fund is absolutely fine holding cash. Had 28% cash almost in 2018.

The returns would be lumpy. Minimum 5 years if not more

Underperformance is guaranteed in short term, so is volatility.

Over long term, the returns are satisfactory
Oct 23, 2021 63 tweets 30 min read

8th edition.


Soulful music by none other than @VijayKedia1 before the AGM kicks off

check this one: @vijaykedia1 at his best
Oct 13, 2020 18 tweets 3 min read
7500 crores.. number of average ciggies smoked in india (from ITC)..

80% of market share of legal ciggi market, which it self is 75%

Total ciggies smoked per annum: about 14000 crore!!

Cig is just 10% of tobbaco used :)

Don't worry, tobbaaco money is not going any where :) Which food company has closest association with farmers after government of India and amul


Who has access to largest set of farmers?
17 states, 35000 village, 40 lakh farmers
Aug 28, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
One of the question i see lot of people asking in regards to PPFAS is " Where has return come from. Indian holding or foreign holding.

Lot of people have this high perception of only Nasdaq or tech stocks leading to it.

pretty baseless question though:)

A small thread


There is absolutely no right way or scientific way (except some complicated XIRR). I made some assumptions.

a. Portfolio, stock holding and assume no change in stocks during the duration.
b. 31st dec, 2019 as the stock holding
c. 27 august 2020 as the final value.
Jul 9, 2020 10 tweets 4 min read
Around 2017, I dabbled in to seeking financial advise. From a well known Chennai based planner. While I was decently well read on the subject but I still want to see what that advisor had to offer. Read on [A thread]

Goal 1: I was planning to buy a new car in few years. Target was to replace old one at 8-9th year.

I had money year marked in a low duration debt fund/ liquid fund.

Advise: put in a balanced fund for 4 years at 12% !!

No sequence of risk offcourse because planner is superb!! Image
Jul 3, 2020 10 tweets 4 min read
PPFAS NAV 13 Feb: 29.29 (Sensex/~42k)
PPFAS NAV 24th March: 20.15 (Sensex/25k)
PPFAS NAV 3rd July: 28.70 (Sensex/ 35k)

42% from bottom. While most has been saying it's because of Nasdaq, the game changer has been 13% odd cash and bets they took

#ppfas #assetallocation
They had around 12-13% cash. While Sensex is still 17% down from ath and Nasdaq at last ath, let's see how the cash helped

1./ ITC, took 5% punt
2./ They loaded on MCX, CSDL, averaged more on axis
3./ Moved out of nestle and picked Microsoft of almost same value
