CrypτaoShlug Profile picture
Narrative tradoooooor 🫡📋 Generational Wealth by 30 the goal 🎯 Are ya doin abitta financial advising? *NFA* #IAMKONG
Jan 16, 2023 22 tweets 16 min read
Earlier today I tweeted I had come across a coin "that imo is almost guaranteed to 5-10x in the short-medium term regardless of what BTC does due to the narrative". I genuinely believe this. The narrative is #LiquidStaking #LSD & the coin is....Time for a thread 🧵

1/21 First of all, what is #LSD or the Liquid Staking Derivatives narrative & why should you care?

To understand LSD you must first understand native staking on $ETH. Eths move to PoS means holders can now stake their tokens, validate transactions & earn $ETH rewards for it.
