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🧙‍♂️ Random Shader Experiments | Hobbyist Gamedev | He/They | ✨ #ShaderGraph Tutorials -
Apr 20, 2020 13 tweets 4 min read
Hey all, wanted to share some info about how the shoreline shader is done. (This is a slightly simplified version).

(note : while it's based visually on the ACNH shoreline, it's probably not exactly the same way they are handling it) 😄

See thread!! 🌊🏝️ #unity3D #shadergraph Firstly, the effect uses UVs, where the Y axis is towards the beach, and the X axis repeats around the island. Creating this was a manual process in Blender. Geometry with UV Y=1 appears as sand, and Y=0 as deeper water without the wave pattern.
Mar 19, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read
Been looking into custom lighting for Universal RP (v7.2.1+) & #shadergraph (see thread)…

This article is pretty good, but the Unlit Master won't receive shadows - unless you also use the keywords :
_MAIN_LIGHT_SHADOW_CASCADE Image However, the Default value in the blackboard doesn't seem to work unless the keyword is exposed in the main graph.. (but that requires the _ON suffix which would change the keyword).

So to enable them, I'm using the Debug mode on the Material inspector to set them instead : Image
Sep 13, 2019 8 tweets 4 min read
Saw a few others doing cloud shaders last week, so I might as well join in! Really happy with how this turned out. ☁️🌥️☁️ (See thread for #shadergraph + info) #unity3D #madewithunity #shaders This is actually a fairly simple effect - It's a few Noise nodes with different scales & time offsets stacked onto each other, which are used to offset the Y vertex position of a plane. Also has a depth effect so it fades based on scene objects. Here's the #shadergraph