How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App asked whether transmission-blocking properties affect prioritization. Intuitively, as the vaccine's transmission blocking properties become worse, direct protection of adults 60+ became/remained the clear best prioritization—across countries, R0 values, & vaccine supplies. 2/ love twitter+preprints precisely because of this community. In the updated preprint, we've corrected a couple typos, and created a new supplement, "Adjustments for false negatives and test refusal" which I'll quickly summarize below. 2/…] I want to highlight some #stats and #networks results. 1/ First, the basics. This paper's 1st result is like a statistical inference midterm problem: If you observe n+ positive tests, n- negative tests, and you know the sensitivity/specificity of your test, what is the posterior prob. of actual positives? Solution: Bayes' rule. ✅