Dan Ritter Profile picture
Philly Realtor / @BelmontUniv Alum / AL born & raised / #StarWars fanboy / Tea snob / Married to @jbyronlumd / #BLM / he-him-his
Jun 3, 2022 16 tweets 4 min read
(1/15) Here's a #mentalhealth thread from a #Realtor: sometimes it doesn't matter how strongly you start your day, the smallest things can make your chest constrict and your heart race. There is no rhyme or reason to panic attacks or anxiety attacks. Sometimes, they just happen. (2/15) What's hard is being in an industry that requires timeliness, 100% engagement, and the appearance of perpetual availability. This doesn't jive well with anxiety and can often lead to catastrophizing and spiraling at the smallest provocation.