Darcy Burner Profile picture
CEO. Rabble rouser. Incorrigibly curious geek. American manufacturer. Reverse engineering power for the sake of populism.
jotter Profile picture 1 subscribed
Mar 3, 2020 11 tweets 3 min read
[1] I live, work, & run a biz in the Eastside suburbs of Seattle which are ground zero for SARS-CoV-2 aka #CoronaVirusSeattle. Here are the things not being talked about enough:

1) Local hospital isolation rooms are full of COVID-19 patients who haven’t yet been reported. [2] We are quickly approaching the current capacity of the hospitals to treat people.

There are far more cases than are being acknowledged; based on patterns of spread seen in China & reported in the WHO report (who.int/docs/default-s…) we are probably looking at 1k-2k cases &