Darren Laur - Member White Hatter Team 🇨🇦 Profile picture
Parent, Husband, Retired LEO(S/Sgt), Licensed Cyber Investigator, Published Author, Multi-Award-Winning Evidence-Based #internetsafety speaker/educator (He/Him)
Nov 28, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
It's really cool to see how youth on Discord are now using "peer moderators" and their own discord servers to police unwanted behaviour. A great example of how youth are taking agency over their onlife world! #digitalliteracy #socialemediasafety 2/ what is really cool is to see how specific communities will create their own "community standards" to meet their needs and to make their participants feel more comfortable and safer!
Nov 27, 2019 16 tweets 5 min read
1/16...Far too often I find that many adults like to focus on the negatives surrounding social media/technology and our kids. We like to celebrate and recognize the positives. In this spirit, I offer the following examples: #parents #digitalliteracy #socialmediasafety #STEAM What about this teen who developed this App to help students manage their homework