1/ Trying to find explanations to this #bitcoin dump, e.g. are early adopters cashing out? The answer is no. The graph of cumulative bitcoin days destroyed. No significant change in slope. Maybe slightly steeper, but not much. 2/ Could it be stolen coins being sold? We’ve had a couple of large exchange hacks recently. Maybe. But the downstrend started before the hacks. So it is unlikely.
Feb 2, 2018 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
1/ My vision with #prologcoin is as follows:
Imagine a standard Prolog environment with a command line prompt.
And then you share a state with your peers. This state is an implicit endless growing query.
2/ From this query it follows that if it is true, so is any subsequence of it. The goal is then to support full validation on certain subsequences (e.g. your wallet can be fully validated.)
Jan 23, 2018 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
1/ Blockchain is a very sluggish thing. Many confirmations (= time) are needed to ensure transaction finality. It is inefficient because everybody sees all transactions. And we need to store all transactions for eternity (unless Mimblewimble is used.)
2/ But if properly implemented blockchains are of extremely high security. And the location of sender & receiver is irrelevant. This is _the_ killer app for which everything else is built upon.